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August 11, 2009



Despite the widespread belief, Zona Rosa is not a TIF!

Brent Toellner

I could be wrong (it happens a lot), but it seems that that area is included in the KCI Corridor TIF area.



Not everything that is located within a TIF Plan is a TIF Project.

Even if it was a TIF Project, TIF Projects within the KCI TIF Plan are "revenue-generators" only. That means that none of the TIF Projects generating TIF revenues are receiving TIF reimbursements; all of the TIF revenues are beeing used to pay for the public infrastructure/improvements.


Your point about having a housing supply that is too big for our population really points to the consumerism of our society. It's all about getting newer, bigger, better things. Unfortunately, as the foreclosure rates clearly indicate, it was also about getting things we couldn't afford. We all wanted what Mom and Dad had, but we wanted it now - not after 30 - 40 years of working hard for it. This is going to be a tough pill for most Americans to swallow, but it is critical to our financial health.

sydney vacancy

Even if it was a TIF Project, TIF Projects within the KCI TIF Plan are "revenue-generators" only. That means that none of the TIF Projects generating TIF revenues are receiving TIF reimbursements; all of the TIF revenues are beeing used to pay for the public infrastructure/improvements.

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