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November 03, 2008



I agree -- not perfect, but I'd much rather vote toward TRYING to change the city for the better than accept the smug, defeatist attitude of certain bloggers.

I wrote a similar thing yesterday you can read here:

midtown man

It is obvious that you did not understand the method that was used to place the Light rail proposal on the ballot, nor did you understand who was placing it on the ballot. Watch the buildings that come up for sale along Main Street. Watch the Citadel Shopping Center fiasco as it stalls completely. The linking of all of the top zip code areas could be accomplished if the developers wanted to use the new technology that powerrs the modern streetcars now being put into Sacramento, San Diego, and other cities. Light Rail in Kansas City is a scam. When the "consultants" will not hold conversations on what is going on elsewhere in the United States, when they only talk about what they have been instructed to talk about they are conversationalists. not consultants.


There were obviously flaws with the plan. But independently of who proposed the plan, and who was making money off the plan, I still feel like it was more good for the city than bad for the city. Improving our overall transportation system is going to be essential for us to get out of the hole we've dug ourselves into. The fact that some people make money off of it has to be seen as a good thing, not a bad thing. If no one benefitted, there would be no point.

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