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October 13, 2008



I was one of those people living in the "urban lifestyle and culture" area downtown. Three shootings, three murders, one fatal stabbing, numerous car break-ins, and several attempted abductions later, I moved.

I lived in the Quality Hill area. Police response time to a 911 call was 15-25 minutes after being on hold for 2-4 minutes.

Rent was expensive, services non-existant, and coupled with a terminally ill public school system.

I moved after a year to a suburb. I can go for a walk with my son and not observe drug or prostitution transactions taking place in the park, not hear gunfire, and most of all, when I call the police, they come and solve problems.

Until people at every level in KCMO quit with the "its good enough" problem and start saying "it's NOT good enough" this city is the next Detroit or Newark.


I am surprised Wilson finds it so much better in the suburbs, considering he admittedly still has to call the police.

I have lived in KCMO for 6 years and have never had to call the police.

"Rent expensive" = high demand, so apparently many people want to live there.

"Services nonexistant" - I work in Quality Hill and it has some of the best services in the city. The Downtown yellowjackets are always around. Bus service is excellent. Restaurants and entertainment are very near. I have lived in OP and Lenexa and I could not say the same there.

"Public Schools" - no argument there. But if you move to KC without knowing that you need to do more homework. Unfortunately this is true of many urban centers in the US. I have no confidence the school board "can do better".


Sure the Northland is mostly suburban sprawl, but without out the city's population would barely by 300,000. Then we would be a lot more like St. Louis - landlocked urban island that only makes up a very tiny part of its regional population and geography.


Eric, I completely agree. However, the point is that people have completely abandoned the urban core housing. And until we create some demand to live there, we are going to continue to have major issues with schools, housing, crime, poverty, etc. Everyone benefits by people moving into existing housing in the urban core. I'm going to talk a bit in the coming days about how to increase the demand for that type of housing -- which would come at no infastructure costs to the city.

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