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« Top 10 Posts from 2013 | Main | Bonner Springs, KS Repeals Ban on Pit Bulls (& great info on the story you need to know) »

January 12, 2014


pitbull friend

Wow!!! I can only imagine how much work you all put into this!!! I hope you're able to take some time out of your super-busy schedules to pat yourselves on the back and celebrate. Beautiful!

Cheryl Huerta

I really, really, really hope that shelters all over the country are paying very close attention to the changes that the KC Pet Project have implemented at the KCMO City Shelter. This is a perfect example of what happens when people approach animal rescue from a much more positive aspect rather than just to look at the 'problem' locally and treat it as an illness!!!

Good on you all!

Friends of Newark NJ Animal Shelter

Great job, Brent. Does your Zona Rosa outlet tend to have different types of dogs, such as smaller or better behaved dogs? The reason I ask is our state's largest open admission no kill shelter has a mall outlet, but the dogs are primarily small and highly adoptable ones.

Also, do you have any of the statistics broken out for pit bull type dogs? I recall you mentioning KC Pet Project does very well with them and would be great to show other organizations that they can save large numbers of pit bull type dogs from shelters.



We tend to try to keep a good mix of dogs at our Zona Rosa location. The goal of the location is to move animals out so we can take stress off the main shelter -- so we make a lot of efforts to move large dogs and pit bulls out of that location also. We usually try to have 5 big dogs and 5 small dogs at Zona Rosa -- and usually at least one "pit bull type".

Last year we saved about 86% of the pit bulls that came through our we do pretty well with them. They are popular dogs, so we try to make opportunities for people to meet them. We would probably do a little better, but we have a lot of communities in the area with breed bans that make it more of a challenge than it needs to be.

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