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« Riverside, MO repeals long-time breed ban | Main | Rethinking shelter dogs and social influences -- Thoughts from the Best Friends No More Homeless Pets Conference »

October 15, 2013



Save Them All isn't just the conference theme...its our Call to Action!


I maybe putting a few words in your mouth but I think the idea of moving away from the "No Kill" title is a huge plus. I won't go into all the details as you and most that read this will know them. But suffice to say the term has become a buzz word for many negative things in many peoples minds. I also appreciate the realization that simly limiting admission to attain a "title" or meet some numbers simply ignores the issues and would seem to do little to help the animals in the most need.


In regards to the no kill "title" - you have to wonder if the net number of lives saved in some communities has actually gone up or down due to private shelters closing their doors and turning their backs on their municiple shelters?


Love this as a better alternative to no-kill, which just tends to cause people to be argumentative and nit-picky. I've long discriminated between true euthanasia and killing - and that we need to say what we're doing. Thanks for sharing this information - and hope that we can rally around this. There IS a big difference between not killing and saving them all.

MJ Mack

Save them ALL is what is right, just and moral. There is no other answer.

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