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« Rethinking shelter dogs and social influences -- Thoughts from the Best Friends No More Homeless Pets Conference | Main | On imagery, adoption events and celebrating success »

October 19, 2013



That is awesome!!!!!!!


This is a great idea and could be used in shelters, too. I'd like to see another one developed for cats whose true personalities often are hidden just because of the stress of being in a shelter environment.


Fantastic use of clever graphics. Hope the idea spreads.

Friends of Newark NJ Animal Shelter

This a great idea. We did something similar based on energy level for one of the local shelters we work with.

One thing we struggle with is foot traffic. How do you guys generate such a high level of people to come in? Ar you in a central location or already had decent foot traffic before you took over?

Our shelter is a bit out of the way and not well-known. We did get on local news station and newspapers, but needed more foot traffic to have this kind of success.

Also, what percentage of your shelter population are pit bulls/pit mixes and how many did you adopt out during event?

Do you have average length of stay, live release rates for pit bulls and pit mixes? Reason I ask is a large portion of our population are pits and we'd like to set realistic goals.


Wonderful idea - I have volunteers who could pull this off for my hounds. Thank you for sharing - and congratulations on a GREAT adoption weekend.


Newark -- Yeah, we struggle with foot traffic sometimes too. Our shelter is definitely in an out-of-the way location (it's a 40 year old shelter that is actually behind a former city landfill). We've really worked hard on it with social media and being involved in events in our community. For this event we also did some TV advertising (which I know is cost prohibitive in Newark).

One other thing we've done is we opened up a small retail location. Because of the slow economy, several of our outdoor shopping centers have open retail spaces and we were able to score a really good deal on about 2,000 square feet of space. It cost us a fair amount up front to pay for the lease and the kenneling, but we did more than 1000 adoptions out of that location in just the first 9 months -- so it's been a huge bonus for us.


BTW, I can let you know how many pit bulls were adopted out during the event. It will be a substantial number. About 25% of our total canine intake is pit bulls, and thus, they usually make up 40% or more of our shelter population. Last year we placed nearly 1,000 pit bulls in spite of having to deny a lot of adoptions because of breed bans in neighboring communities. We have a lot of pit bulls and pit bull owners in our community -- and we've generally found that if we make them available for adoption, there is a demand for them.

Michaela - Animal Aide of St. Thomas/Elgin

I just love this idea. We could really use this at our cat shelter when we have those big adoption events.
Congratulation on all the adoptions and the great way of making it easier to match pets and guardians!

Dog hero

great idea.

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