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July 19, 2013



With all the activity, I was inspired to actually do an initial count of where we actually stand in the BSL vs. Breed Neutral debate, and created a facebook page to track it. To be honest, I got a bit tired of hearing from one site that 600 towns had passed BSL, while 16 states went neutral. I wanted a sense of actual numbers.

Bottom line - the initial count is 550 towns with BSL in effect, which impact approximately 20.4 million people, or 6.5% of the US population. This number includes 6 million impacted by MSN laws. I've chosen not to break out bans vs. restrictions, as many restrictions are defacto bans.

Of those 550, 354 have populations of under 10,000, and 60 have populations under 1,000. The 10 largest represent 50% of the BSL impacted population.

There are 16 states that are breed neutral, which covers 135.7 million people, or 43.26% of the population. This number excludes residents of cities in those states where BSL exists (including NYCHA). I have not included data on towns or counties that are breed neutral.

I've used a known anti-pit bull site as my prime source of data for BSL cities (as they're incentivized to overshoot), and then updated it for accuracy (eliminating 20-30 cities, adding 3-5). Population figures generally come from 2010 census or 2011 population estimates on wikipedia.



Thanks for the heads up on your work. I'd love to see your final tally at some point -- but very interesting how one-sided the argument is when you look at the data this way. Thanks for sharing.


Raw data shared via google doc.

selwyn marock

WTG Well done to all those responsible,Good Defeats Evil once again.

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