A few weeks ago, I noted here that after very thoughtful discussion, the city of Osawatomie, KS repealed its law that banned pit bulls.
This week in the Osawatomie Graphic, they show a picture of Kai, the dog who started the repeal, with her happy owners.
See, Kai's owners were out walking her when police stopped them and said that she was a "pit bull" and banned in Osawatomie. The family was sure she was a Boxer mix, so they got her DNA tested. Turns out that she was mostly Boxer, but also contained 17% American Staffordshire Terrier according to the test -- enough to make her ineligible to live in Osawatomie.
So Kai's family approached the city council about repealing the law. After thoughtful discussion, consultation with area experts, including the city's own animal control officer, they repealed the ban.
And thankfully, Kai gets to return home, where she belongs.
It's the often untold story of breed bans -- that of families being separated from beloved family pets simply because of how they look - -and in spite of them being good owners and good dogs.
In this case, Osawatomie did the right thing, and repealed its 25 year old ordinance.
Great story. Happy Picture.
Love stories like these, especially those who repeal after 25 years -- thanks Brent!
Posted by: Mary E Haight (@dancingdogblog) | July 11, 2013 at 06:00 PM
hi I am Malcolm davis, and this is about my kai kai. thank you for getting the story out to let people gets that it is not the breed but, how you treat and raise them.
Posted by: malcolm davis | September 10, 2013 at 08:05 PM
Malcolm, thanks to you for working so hard to save Kai Kai. It is that love that spurred the change in Osawatomie. Congrats...
Posted by: Brent | September 11, 2013 at 08:18 AM