It's official, last week, the Nevada Governor Brian Sandovol signed into law a bill AB 110 that prohibits communities in the states from targeting dogs based on their breed or look. The bill passed both houses of the legislature with only 1 dissenting vote.
Nevada has become the 14th state to prohibit breed-specific laws.
Nevada joins Maine, Massachussetts, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Florida, Texas, Minnesota, Illinois, Colorado, Oklahoma and California in their efforts to prevent breed-specific laws.
And it turns out that #15 isn't far behind.
Yesterday, the Connecticut Senate passed HB6311 in a 30-4 vote that would prohibit breed-specific laws in Connecticut also. The bill waits a final signature from Governor Dannel Malloy. The bill, if signed, will force cities to tackle the root causes of dangerous dogs (irresponsible ownership) rather than targeting dogs because of how they look.
This is great news for the folks in those states who are now going to be able to have REAL discussions about dangerous dogs and how to stop them (as there is no professional support for breed-specific laws) vs having anti-pit bull activists (or whatever breed gets targeted in the future) hijack conversations about the topic.
Great news. Who wants to be #16?
Posted by: Joel | June 02, 2013 at 07:08 PM
Amazing all these attempts targeting dogs because a rare few hurt people. What about the thousands of guns that kill people?
I'm glad to see some states stopping breed specific laws.
Posted by: Tracy | June 02, 2013 at 08:06 PM
Thank you for the good news this Monday morning.
Posted by: mary mahoney | June 03, 2013 at 12:45 PM
Isn't Washington State already a state with BSL pre-emption? I think that's Number 16 and we're waiting on number 17?
Posted by: Adrianne Lefkowitz | June 17, 2013 at 04:53 PM