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« New Florida bill seeks to mandate shelter transparency | Main | Tragic dog bite related fatality in Sabinal, TX »

February 16, 2013


Fran C.

For those who do not believe there is a WAR on Dogs going on in America, I was commenting on a article recently and "those that will not be named" from "the" BSL Lobby Group were also commenting. One basically said breed bans were sweeping the county and would be in every city and small town in the US. I looked at a BSL tracker report and while probably not totally up to date, it showed since 2009; 109 places rejected BSL, 84 put in BSL and 26 REPEALED BSL. The GOOD guys ARE winning.


You can add Archbold, OH to this list. Last week the Archbold Council chose eliminate the special registration and insurance requirements on Pit bulls,reported in the Archbold Buckeye 2/20/13.
I see this as a huge success, since the dog warden has met with every city in the county to recommend keeping their home rule community legislation.


Thanks Tasha for the update. Definitely even more great news!

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