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December 19, 2012



Excellent video! Good information on microchip limitations and vaccinations. I have one concern on vaccinations and that is that it can take a varying number of days for the antibodies to become effective. Even then that would not imply 100% effectiveness. I have heard numbers from vets on something like 80% effective rate after 5-10 days. In a high volume shelter lets say 1000 animals to make the math easy that means 200 or so will not be protected even after 5-10 days. In open admission shelters that can become over crowded with multiple animals in kennels or dogs being walked for exercise and exposed to other dogs it seems like disease spread would be inevitible. Idealy each animal should have it own seperate run with no cross exposure to insure the health of all.


Randy, I agree to some extent on the vaccinations. Clearly some take some time to take effect, and not all are going to be effective 100% of the time. However, many will be effective VERY quickly because they were already vaccinated (and the follow up acts as a booster) and thus kicks in very quickly. The most important thing is that most animals will be vaccinated with an effective vaccine, dramatically decreasing the risk of disease spread.

Meanwhile, I think many shelters make a mistake in keeping animals so isolated from each other to avoid disease spread -- to which they isolate dogs, and increase kennel stress (many are destressed when they are together, or spend time with other dogs -- they're social creatures after all). The kennel stress then supresses the immune system, increasing the likelihood of getting sick.

There is no perfect solution with herd health, but early vaccination is essential to creating the best case scenario.


Agree Brent their are trade offs. I know of a modern designed shelter that allowed for isolation. Don't get me wrong they are not stuck in a hole with an iron door but contact with other animals is limited at least at the start. That shelter went 4 years with no animals lost to disease and did not vaccinate until adopted. Kind of like a zoo quarantine I guess. The trade off as you note is the risk of addtional kennel stress although combining animals that don't know each other in a run can be stressfull too. I guess at the end of the day since many shelters even if designed so that animal contact can be minimized are so full that it is not practicle to do so and vacccination can help fil that gap! Once again great video. I found the microchip part especially interesting since most just assume you can kind of wave the wand and get a no or a no go on the chip. I have shared that with several people I know.


I vaccinate on intake as long as dog is healthy enough; some need to be delayed and they are isolated with regular visits. My intake is very limited with the new MO law, so the lives here are way, way less than open admission shelters. I'm chipping on intake, not adoption; bathing asap, checking vitals (pulse, lung sounds, etc.) and watching poop. Super video - thanks for the sharing.

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