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December 04, 2012



And let me get this straight...all hell hasn't broken loose yet?


I know -- crazy isn't it?

Cheryl Huerta

Wonderful news!!! Only 49 more states to go and then the rest of the world!

Karen F

I know Boston wanted to invoke home rule to keep their ban in place, but there doesn't seem to be anything online about the issue beyond some public griping from city officials at the time 2184 was passed. Does anyone know if they succeeded? Hopefully not and their ban is now invalidated.


Last report I saw was that Boston was still planning on fighting this -- possibly even taking the state to court over it. Everyone else seems to be falling in line nicely though. But without legal action, Boston's breed-specific law is invalid.


See the note on this page - the breed discrimination laws are void. However, their pages still refer to pit bull licenses. If you care about this issue, email or call the city and tell them to update their web pages to be consistent with the laws being invalid.

david mickevich

what about condo communities that arbitrarily ban bully breeds? i have 2 weeks to find a home for my best friend.


Wow this is good news, I had no idea that this law was passed & here it is December 2016!Thanks Deval Patrick.

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