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October 31, 2012



There were over 500 at the Indy Pit Crew event :)

Our little Dallas effort only had 15, but for just organizing it 3 weeks prior, I'm not disappointed.


I noticed too that the "haters" news coverage was strongly in favor of not targeting a specific breed/appearance of dog. Must have fried the taters of the haters to have coverage of the grim turnout, slanted in the opposite direction to which they were hoping to achieve.


It was pouring rain in TO but I think they got a few despite the awful weather.

Thanks for this great post!

Jen Brighton

Wow, the poor turnout of the hate walk is telling since Jaloney and others must have listed the link to it in about 1,000 blogs and comments to pit bull related articles, for months on end. I wonder when the haters will realize they are fighting a major losing battle?

Laura Prowicz

"And the poor attendence at their one hate event shows that there is little non-professional support either."

I talked to someone in Tucson who said she knew of a catering company who had been called and asked to provide food at the walk for victims outing. she refused. not only that but she called several other caterers in town and asked them to also refuse. last but not least she attended the Beyond the Myth screening and the PBAD festivities afterwards. :-)


Nicole -- nice job on the Indy event -- and for organizing the Dallas one. You're "little" Dallas event was still almost as big as their "national" event :)

Brindlestick -- agree that what little coverage they got was definitely slanted in favor of the dogs.

Caveat -- good news about Toronto -- although I do know of several places that had cold weather. I sometimes laugh at Jodie organizing this for the end of October -- I don't think she realizing how cold it can get North of Tennessee for some of these events :)

Jen -- I dont know if the haters will ever get it....but I do think the general public is starting to get it.

Laura - nice job in Tucson! Great to see the positive response down there.


Accept-A-Bull had around 30 for our inaugural Pooch Parade for Pit Bulls in Omaha. We had every type of dog from min pins and chihuahuas to Spinone Italianos and Rotties. We hosted it at a local pet store and received a lot of positive feedback. Additionally, there were over 250 at a Beyond the Myth showing in Lincoln, NE and Accept-A-Bull had 100 people attend our Spayghetti and No Balls fundraiser to support our spay and neuter voucher program.
Check us out!:


Nice job Nick (and to the folks in Lincoln). Hopefully you all can begin changing minds to get the BSL in Omaha repealed.

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