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September 14, 2012


H. Houlahan

Like the non-experts themselves, the internetz confuses intemperate passion and an overabundance of free time with expertise won by hard and rigorous experience.

This is, of course, not limited to any one topic.


I have to wonder if the trait of gullibility was ever helpful to humans during our evolution. It's so hardwired in our species -- it just boggles the mind.

Central Ohio Dog Blog

Oooh... this reminds me of an article I stumbled across a couple weeks ago. Did you see this one?

Keira Fritzen

I get all of my best advice for living from celebs, pageant contestants & of course the Onion;)


Great Pit Bull experts is very much .....

Selma Mulvey

Nice one.

The problem is that if you are an opinionist, and you support BSL obviously for emotional or financial reasons, you can't FIND any experts to support you.

Che Bean

Used to be that newspaper editors would question the sources for their journalists articles. Questions where who, what, where and why. Real journalist like Edward R. Murrows are now VERY few and VERY far in-between. Even most well known news outlets are more tabloid than informative. Sad.


Very nicely stated, Brent...and, if I can be a little self promoting here, what you are discussing is one of the main reasons why the Veterinary News Network created the American Society of Veterinary Journalists. ASVJ certifies veterinarians, veterinary technicians and anyone providing animal health/veterinary information through any sort of media, from television to Internet. Think of ASVJ like the American Meteorological Society...

Although we can't STOP uninformed people from posting their opinions, pet owners (and non-pet owners) can look for the ASVJ Seal of Approval as well as the initials, CVJ for Certified Veterinary Journalist.


Excellent observation about the availability of so much infomation most of it non vetted by any source. As various causes come and go it is a little chilling to realize a very few folks on what ever side of the argument they are on can set up numerous social media pages and make what ever appear much larger than it is. I suppose it is even more true in the world of animal welfare where emotions can tend to trumph any real information out there.

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