We're coming up on dog bite prevention week. Fortunately there are a lot of good organizations and people that are trying to increase knowledge during this week. Unfortunately there are others who would rather try to spread hysteria and fear. Please keep your eyes peeled for the hysterics and try to create some logic in the matter. Now, onto the roundup.
Cities and laws
Kingsford, MI is now looking at a potential repeal of their 25-year old pit bull ban.
It seems that everyone realizes that Ontario's breed ban is ineffective -- except for the Liberal Government.
Donnellson, IA decides against breed-specific legislation after discussing the topic for about 6 months.
The media
A story from KMBC her in Kansas City that highlights a dog bite incident in Kansas City. It's worth noting that on this particular day, there were 17 dogs on bite hold at the Kansas City, MO shelter, but guess which one made the news?
New biomarker test predicts arthritis at a much earlier stage and was developed by analyzing joints of dogs -- because of the controlled breeding of dogs, and because relatively few genetic markers were used to create the many different breeds that now exist, they provide a lot of interesting insight into human genetics and diseases, including ailments like arthritis.
Monsters, or just misunderstood? Pit Bulls strike fear but owners say training is key -- a really good story from Longmont, CO that notes that pit bulls really aren't responsible for a disproportionate number of dog bites or animal control calls and that training for them, just like all dogs, is key. This isn't suprising as Longmont has one of the more progressive shelter programs in the country with a great base of knowledge for the community.
Brain scans can help us figure out what dogs are thinking -- some new technology allows us to get a better understanding of what dogs are thinking. If it means I find out my dog thinks I'm anything other than the best person ever then I don't want to know.
Infographic on 10 ways to lower your lifespan -- #10 -- don't own a pet. Owning a pet can add 2 years to your life. You should also not smoke, floss your teeth, get married, not drink and be female.
If you haven't seen this story yet you MUST read it -- but in Shirley, Mass, a pit bull pulled an unconscious woman from the train tracks that she passed out on. Unfortunately, the dog was hit by the train as the woman was pulled to safety, severing the dog's foot and fracturing her pelvis. The dog is back home and healing safely after undergoing surgeries and 10s of thousands of dollars in donations to help with vet bills.
One community takes your dog poop and turns it into free wi-fi.
What does your dog see? A look at the world as our dogs see them from The Poodle and Dog Blog.
A good understanding of dog behavior is key to preventing dog bites -- bravo on this educational piece from the Tahoe Tribune.
Portsmouth, OH passed a local law that establishes pit bulls as "vicious" under their city law in reaction to the state undoing such a designation.
No Kill News
Indianapolis makes improvements in limiting shelter killing -- although they still have a ways to go. Plans include ramping up low cost spay/neuter services and low cast vaccination clinics targeting 10 key zip codes based on income in hopes of decreasing the number of animals that make it into the shelter.
The Weatherford/Parker County Animal Shelter (TX) has changed their rule about not adopting out 'pit bulls' and has now begun allowing these types of dogs to leave the shelter.
An article from Ft. Wayne, IN discussing many shelters in their surrounding area and the high kill rates that they have.
In 2011, San Angelo, TX decreased shelter euthanasia by 15% and are working to decrease the killing any more by focusing on spaying/neutering, getting more community support, working more with rescue groups and increasing foster homes.
An article in the Ventura (CA) Star notes the economic impact No Kill would have on their community. I have no idea how they figured these numbers, but it's an interesting approach to gaining support for No Kill.
To Kill, or Not to Kill - a fairly balanced article about No Kill via Scripps Howard News Service.
Some positive movement at decreased killing in Danville, VA - where a year ago, 85% of dogs and 90% of cats were killed last year.
The Humane Society of Southeast Missouri is asking for local communities it serves to increase their funding for their services as rising costs and lower donations have made getting by a little mor difficult. The shelter impounded about 4,000 animals last year and had a budget of $360,00.
I'm a little behind on blog reading right now, but here are a few recent ones:
What No Kill means to me -- by YesBiscuit!
Breed Specific Legislation - It's in the mind, not the math
Goodbye, Delilah - Lucky Dog Rescue says goodbye to a very loved dog in an emotional post that puts words to the feelings that most rescue people and dog owners can identify with.
The dramatic rescue of Taz the dog by Kansas Firefighters -- LOVE this story of saving a dog from The Poodle and Dog Blog
When is the right time to have Fido fixed -- from Paw Prints the Magazine.
The needless fear of Pit Bull breeds -- from No Kill Allegany
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