This story is a couple of weeks old, but I do want to get it recorded.
In the incident, 23 month old Jace Paul Valdez and his mother had recently moved into his mother's parent's home in rural Montgomery County, TX. While his parents were away, the boy was left alone with his grandmother and her dog. Apparently, the grandmother left the child alone to sleep and the dog, described as a 'pit bull', entered the room where the toddler was and killed him. There were no witnesses to the attack so no circumstances behnd the attack (outside of the toddler and dog being left alone together without supervision - -especially when the child was relatively unfamiliar to the dog).
It is a tragic story that could have been avoided by being sure all interactions between the toddler and the dog were supervised.
While this story has been picked up by nearly 100 news outlets, some have been fairly educational about pointing to the responsibility of monitoring canine interactions and rightfully not turning this into a breed issue.
My heart goes out to the family in this incident.