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« Weekly Roundup -- Week Ending 1/22/12 | Main | New Research Paper - Dog Bite Prevention: An Assessment of Child Knowledge »

January 23, 2012



I know this is unpleasant for you to do, but I really like your breakdowns because they are so comprehensive. You do such a great job with this. My heart goes out to all the families who have lost loved ones.


The link to NCRC's 2011 report appears to be wrong?


Thank-you so much for compiling this list.

May I just ask that you clarify some of the statistics and information you provided - is it all based on dog/breed ownership in the USA? Or globally?


Ruth -- that is their preliminary report. As I said, it isn't terribly comprehensive and won't be until this time next year.

Tegan, my dog ownership numbers are based on dog ownership in the US based on AVMA estimates. If you have a specific number that is question I'd be happy to respond to that too.


link's fine today, I was viewing it on my iPad last night and it came up totally different, but I also got the "do you want to use our ipad format???" with no option to decline and it wouldn't be the first time it screwed up a link.

sandra novak

my question, why are the attacks and the abuse of animails so prominet in western and southern states? i live in pa, any info on us?i cant do much for southern and western states, but if i can, closer to home ,id like to try.

Peter Masloch

Outstanding! Thank you very much for the detailed report.

pitbull friend

That's a really interesting point, Sandra. I wonder whether it has to do with Northeastern and Midwestern places having better and/or better-funded animal control departments? I would also guess that there is another link to a particular area being poor - that there are fewer animal control personnel to respond to complaints. It just seems that it's so common for there to have been previous complaints or for the dogs to have been known to be roaming.

Brent, thank you for doing this, despite its being no fun. It's a real public service.


I truly appreciate the work that you do, even though it is depressing - actually, because it is depressing, yet extremely helpful when discussing the problems that can occur when two species that have distinctly different communication styles live together so closely. Last year I had two occasions when I went straight to your 2010 report when trying to talk to someone who was afraid of dogs and another person who was trying to force her pregnant daughter to get rid of her dog. I didn't succeed in 'converting' either person to accept that their ideas about 1) all 'attack' dogs, or 2) all 'pit bulls' (even though the daughter's dog was the furriest dog that could possibly be called a pit I've ever seen; a dna test showed the dog was a border collie, husky, G.shepherd, and [generic]mastiff mix) eat children.


Uh, I didn't quite finish that coherently, did I? I meant to say, I didn't succeed in 'converting' either person to accept that their ideas about certain [kinds of] dogs were less than rational, but at least I helped the daughter stand up to her mother, and kept her dog in her home.



It's hard to say for sure but I have a theory. In northern climates, because of the very harsh winters, it is less common for dogs to be kept outdoors as their primary form of containment. With a few exceptions, most breeds just couldn't handle the winters. However, in southern/western climates there isn't the same outrage if a dog lives outside its entire life because they're not left out in below freezing weather. While this is changing, northern climates are far ahead of the curve on this. And neglect seems to be far more likely with an outdoor dog than it is with an inside one...


The message is clear - I'm not doing any gardening in my front yard!
thanks for a good report, Brent!


Brent, I agree about climate. Fewer people/kids out on the streets, fewer dogs outside unsupervised for half the year.

I suspect the poverty connection may also involve a desire for 'protection' so that dogs are encouraged to behave in a more territorial manner. And in low income areas, people tend to live closer together and more publicly, so there is more potential for interaction.

I really wish that "pit bull" would disappear from news reports and that unless they are 100% certain of the shape or breed of the dog involved, they'd stop attempting to ID dogs that way. It won't happen.

A good report and as usual, excellent observations.

Denise LaChance

Thanks for this. I can't imagine how terrible it would be to be attacked by a dog or even worse to have a child I love attacked by a dog. I have a facebook page dedicated to dogs unjustifiably (as best as can be determined from news reports) killed by law enforcement. In many instances the killings do seem to result from an unwarranted fear of large dogs or dogs of certain breeds. I believe that to address those fears and prejudices, we have to be clear and honest about the injurious and fatal attacks that do occur and address what can be done to minimize their occurrence (other than killing all dogs of a particular breed or breeds). Your report contributes to this in a very measured way.

Dog Bite Law Firm

It's hard to see so many names on that list. So many of these deaths can be easily avoided. My condolences to all those who have passed and their families.

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