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« More evidence why BSL is just failed policy | Main | Judge rules that Snickers can home - the ADA trumps the local law & again why BSL is dumb »

December 27, 2011


Cathy Briggs

Great news! I'm looking forward to updates and wish you all the best of luck!

pitbull friend

Way to go, Brent & Michelle & your fellow lifesavers in KC! You have a hard row to hoe, but YOU CAN DO IT! Looking forward to following your progress!

Karen F

Congratulations on your creativity and hard work to date. I know there is much more to come. It sounds like you have a wonderful community that is helping you -- looking forward to seeing your updates!

Central Ohio Dog Blog

How exciting! I look forward to following your efforts and learning from them.


So thrilled to see the KC Pet Project assuming control of the KCMO shelter. With you all and the volunteers working side by side, great things will be accomplished.


That is great news Brent... I would love to volunteer some weekends if you could find some work for me.... Being from Olathe it should be a nice little visit across borders...

I would love to see you reach the ultimate goal....


Thanks everyone for the support. It's a very exciting opportunity.

PetMoz, we absolutely have all kinds of tasks for volunteers and welcome volunteer support -- however often you can be there. On Sunday, we will have a volunteer coordinator starting who can help facilitate and help work around your interests and time.


Congratulations - KC Pet Project is to be commended for its efforts to make a difference. We have faith in you. I'd say the "pit bull" population being at 20% is a good thing - I would have anticipated it as being higher.

Keeping dogs and cats out of the shelter that don't need to be there in the first place (the ones that are seized for stupid reasons) will be a huge step in the right direction.

Dianne R.

An adoption event on the first of the year - how cool is that. Looking forward to the updates. Will you be talking about this at the No Kill conference in August?

As the World Turns in KCKS

Congratulations KC Pet Project! It sounds like you have challenges that your group will face with creativity and "volunteers". Glad to see volunteers will be embraced at the KCMO city shelter you have taken over.

One of the things I admire KCPP addressing, was the issue with KCMO ACO's mandatory sweeps that resulted in confiscation and impoundment of pets. Too many groups that take over city shelter contracts are afraid to address one of the big drivers of animals into shelters - ACO departments.

I am looking forward to your group becoming a National leader that is held up at a true No Kill example.


I saw Kim Staton on Fox News talking about the project. Excellent job guys!


Diane -- we will be hosting a new session about taking over city shelter contracts at the conference in August. There have been quite a few attempts at this, some have failed, some have been successful. There is a LOT of red tape involved in this and we plan to give an overview of what we learned, what we wished people would have told us, and some of the things we feel like we actually did right. Should be (I think) an interesting session. We'll probably talk a bit about our success (I'm assuming we have it) at the end of the session...we'll see on that.

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