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« UK Breed Ban One Step Closer to being repealed | Main | Weekly Roundup - -Week Ending 10/30/11 »

October 28, 2011



Great news - thanks for letting us know.

Kerri Fivecoat-Campbell

Thanks for this update, I was just wondering about this case this week.




Thank God some judges don't drink the Kool-aid. I hope this is a beginning of clearer thinking on animal behavior.

Jennifer Brighton

Yes! I've thought about Dusty many times since signing the petition. Thank goodness for the Internet in cases like this and Lennox.


That's great news. I just watched the video (as linked) and, gee, that dog is guilty of being a goose but that's about it. So glad that she has another chance.


I've been wondering about these dogs! Michigan can be a very unfriendly state for the animals. Glad these three will have a chance for a good, long life!

Score one for the good guys!


Great news!!! Thanks so much for the follow up on Dusty!


Does anyone have any follow up on what is going on with the "expert" that evaled these dogs? Something fishy was going on...this woman *was* highly respected.

Lori S.

Just saw a post on Buster Foundations FB wall -- they have ALL FOUR dogs (including the three who "failed" their evaluations) in their possession now!!

Donald L. Albers

Get real lady. This dog wouldn't hurt a flea. Look at the happy face and the joy just wanting to be someones pet and be loved and given some attention. This woman has about as much compassion as a pint of cold piss in hell! What would she do if she was elvaluating her grand child, kill it too? They need to get rid of her and their stupid test. Replace it with someone who's interest is for the dog. As far as that stupid test goes it needs to be revised or BURNT!

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