First off, I do want to appologize for it being nearly a week between posts and missing two consecutive weekly roundups. We've been busy, and out of town, and busy.
A lot to get caught up on in this week's roundup since it's been 3 weeks since my last one -- so I'm gong to grab some older stories, and skip a few. As always, if you have something you'd like to add, please post in the comments section. On to the roundup:
Cities/States and Laws
Dekalb County, GA may be looking at lifting their ban on 'pit bulls' in an upcoming board meeting. There is no timeline for this, but if you're in the area, be sure to reach out to your representative.
HSUS has given another $93,000 toward a Missouri initiative that would make it harder for state lawmakers to overturn citizen's initiatives. This after the state improved HSUS's law that they spent $2 million passing last fall.
Preston, ID considered repealing their breed-specific law - -but, unfortunately took no action on it. Kearney Missouri did the same thing (I can update more on this later -- I was at the Kearney meeting).
An Alderman in Waukesha (WI?) is proposing that pit bulls be banned from all ownership -- except in commercial use "such as in junk yards for security at night". So while pit bulls that are trained to be aggressive in this instance are ok, but ones that are in family homes are not ok. This may give you some idea as to how well thought out this proposal is.
Marinette, WI has a written up ordinance that proposes banning 'pit bulls' from the community. If you live in or around Marinette, you know what to do.
Trumann, AR has banned 'pit bulls' from the city limit.
Oakwood, OH passed a law that automatically declares 'pit bulls' dangerous or vicious.
Dog bites in Sangamon County, IL are trending downward.
Only a few months after repealing the county's decades old breed ban, Seward County, KS replaced it with other breed-specific policies -- while not a ban, equally ineffective at preventing dog bites.
Charles County, MD appears to be considering a 57 page proposal that would regulate the ownership of "pit bulls".
Dog Bites
Major dog bites are not common, but they do happen. And when they do, it is a variety of different breeds and types of dogs that are involved. This is why circumstances, not breed, should be considered when trying to prevent dog bites.
A Springfield, OH woman was bitten in the face by an American Bulldog that she was holding for another woman at a pet store while they were waiting for grooming.
A Bull Mastiff was euthanized after it bit a 6 year old boy in the face. The boy was with his dad at the shelter -- who was helping out the shelter as part of his community service work. The boy was with his father and got attacked by the dog.
A young Calgary (AB) girl was bitten in the face by the family's black Labrador Retriever. The dog bit the young girl, and then bit the man in the arm.
A man and his dog were attacked by a Rottweiler that got loose from its owner in Sebring, FL.
A Dubuque, IA boy was hospitalized after being attacked while he was outside playing with a neighbor's American Bulldog.
A Minnesota Sheriff's deputy was attacked and bitten twice by a large Shepherd mix that was not able to be controlled by its intoxicated owner.
A Beachwood, NJ woman received 50 stitches to close a neck wound after being attacked by a Bull Mastiff.
No Kill
Public/Private Partnership leads Reno to 94% Save Rate -- Best Friends has a great article about the success in Reno -- where the city and the private sector are combining to create positive outcomes for animals.
Austin's Pet Friendly Policies are Working -- from the Austin Statesman. And there is no surprise that policies that have proven to work actually work.
In Collier County, FL, 430 fewer animals were killed last year at the shelter vs 5 years ago. Euthanasia rates dropped 36% in Lee County vs 2009 -- both communities are crediting their low cost spay/neuter programs for their success.
Austin Celebrates 6 months of No Kill Succes.
Former and current workers at the Independence (MO) Animal Shelter are issuing complaints that animals aren't being fed enough food and not given medical care for treatable illnesses.
The Michigan Humane Society's board of directors continues to see defections who are leaving because of the the shelter's unacceptably high euthanasia rate of 70%
Fact Checker: What's so scary about pit bulls? This is a solid edit piece from the Reno Gazette Journal
A Jackson, MS woman shot her husband and a dog last week -- killing her husband. According to reports, a 'pit bull' named "cocaine" (getting a good idea of what this neighborhood is like already with that name) lunged at some children "trying to attack them". Apparently the children's father picked up the aggressive dog (if the dog were truly aggressive, 'picking it up" would probably not be an option). It was at that point the woman shot both the dog and the husband -- while he was carrying the dog. There is so much wrong with this tragic story I barely know where to begin...
This is one of many stories following the 4th of July where many area shelters were filled up with dogs that got loose because they were scared by 4th of July Fireworks. Two things: First, owners, please do all you can to keep your dog up on the 4th. It's a scary time, and it's just not worth it to take chances. Second, Shelters, you KNOW this happens. It happens every year. So why not be open for adoptions on the 4th so you can clean out some kennels to make room for these animals.
You can't spay/neuter your way out of pet overpopulation - This is my must-read blog post of the week on the myth around this often-used statement. But the reality also is, you can't spay/neuter your way out of animals that are already in the shelter. To solve the problem, you must focus on adoptions too.
Our Business is the business of saving lives -- What would Mike Say -- I don't necessarily agree with Mike's sentiment about raising adoption fees (if for no other reason I've seen no evidence that what he says about lowering adoption fees not leading to more adoptions -- in fact, I've seen the exact opposite on many, many occassions) -- but I do like his sentiment about us being in the business of saving lives.
Pounds behaving badly -- Saving Pets is back after a hiatus - -with a good post about local pounds that are killing nearly every animal they take in.
Animal control agencies slam door on public scrutiny - Christie Keith notes several examples of shelters that are trying to hide their actions from constiutents in order to avoid the public scrutiney.
How much do we love our pets? 1 in 10 pets owns a profile page on the internet.
What if you die? Bad Rap looks at making a plan for your beloved pet in the sad situation where your pet outlives you.
Behind door #3: A winning Shelter Campaign -- Will My Dog Hate Me takes a look at a really strong advertising campaign for Adopting Pets from the Austin Humane Society.
The Tsunami of Pets from MS and AR to Memphis - YesBiscuit! has a work of comedic gold as she breaks down Memphis Mayor Wharton's statement that the shelter wasn't to blame for their killing 77%, it was people in other counties as far away as Mississippi and Arkansas that were dropping off their animals there. Well, maybe no so much.
Dog Bite Statistics: Do the math before you freak out -- Dogs and Babies has a great post breaking down dog bite numbers and noting how safe we from dog bites.
PETA thinks I am a thug and Mina should be dead -- For the Pit Bulls looks at PeTA's "logic" that 'pit bulls' should be killed because good owners don't want them. The dogs in my household would be stunned to find out how bad they have it too (except come bath time, in which case they would agree that we are evil, awful owners).
Here's the latest on the situation in Memphis - -from YesBiscuit!
Parentvision vs Supervision -- Family Paws takes a look at why there seem to be a fairly large number of dog bite incidents when the dog owners are not at home and someone else is watching the dog.
10 very good reasons not to get a puppy -- Pound Dogs -- and warning, this is a trick.
Excuses -- Spay/Neuter --No Kill Tallahassee takes a smart look at the excuse many shelters make for their high kill rates that their public is irresponsible and doesn't spay/neuter.
Excuses - That Irresponsible Public - No Kill Tallahassee continues on with her "excuses" series that calls out the excuse of shelter killing on blaming the public.
The Hypoallergenic Dog Myth -- there is no such thing. Get over it. From Paw Prints the Magazine.
A Bernese Mountain Dog fell over a 150 high cliff while chasing a Mountain Goat (bad dog!) in Olympic National Forest. Despite breaking a leg and not having any food or water, the dog was found 3 days later in pretty good shape. -- From Seattle Dog Spot
The Good Fight -- Stubby Dog interviews Bless The Bully's Jodi Preis about fighting breed-specific legislation.
The Same River Twice -- Valerie Hayes has started a new blog (breaking away from the Examiner a bit it appears) called Cruel, Crazy, Beautiful World -- this is a great early entry on this blog discussing no kill
12 Reasons to Oppose Breed Discriminatory Legislation - -from Stubby Dog
Who Benefits from TNR? -- From the ASPCA Professional Blog
How Michael Vick could really redeem himself - -from the Pet Connection
Is your dog as well-trained as you think? Dog Spelled Forward
Aggression and breed - -My thoughts -- from Jim Crosby
A Kiss or Dismiss -- Doggone Safe has a great blog detailing the differences in the way dogs lick -- one way being a "kiss" as we often associate it, the other being "dismiss" -- or, "I'm uncomfortable with this". Knowing the difference is important -- so go check it out.
Puppy Socialization New Rules - -Dancing Dog Blog notes that puppy socialization should start earlier than most people think.
This week's dose of cute features kittens as DJs and a smartly trained dog that will go fetch you a cold beer and close the refridgerator door. And then, this one, from two weeks ago, features the dog that fetches a rock out of the water over and over and the cutest cat in the world playing with an apple on a bed (this is truly a great video) and a corgi that helps his buddy escape from his kennel (also very impressive).
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