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June 07, 2011



Excellent. People finally coming to their senses. This is just what the unenlightened politicians in Ontario need to study and copy. It's ironic that this weekend in Toronto we will be having North America's largest festival for dogs and yet we still have some of the most retrograde laws when it comes to animals.

Jennifer Pollard

THIS IS GREAT!!! But, make sure that you don't let down your guard for animal abusers. Maybe spend some of the money you were going to spend euthanize Pitt Bulls on stopping dog fighting, and animal torture.

Cathleen Qualman

How wonderful...hope this is something that happens in a lot more places...I am a owner and lover of the pitbull breed...I have never had a problem w/the breed, just ignorant owners. Now maybe the focus can be put on the real problem of dog fighting and abuse


Wonderful new what a blessing, let hope the state makes the same adjustements!


My fingers & toes are crossed...have signed every petition and sent letters w/pictures...I luv my two pitbulls and hate the stigma attached to them by this law and how it has affected public opinion of the breed!!! Pround mommy of Bella & Bentley!!!

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