No one said logic was rampent in Aurora.
At tonight's city council meeting, the Aurora City Council voted to eliminate the 7 breeds of dogs from the city's breed ban -- but to keep it for American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers and Staffordshire Bull Terriers.
People with these breeds as service dogs will be allowed to keep them so the city is in compliance with the ADA.
Councilman Bob Broom claims his decision to keep the ban (but only on three of the 10 breeds) has reduced the number of dog bites and thus, supported keeping the ban.
Broom seems to have ignored all of the statistic actually presented at the city level that clearly show that bites, along with serious bites, have gone up significantly - -here's the packed offered to the city council.
Councilman Bob Fitgerald also thought allowing pit bulls would compromise the safety of citizens -- also ignoring the reality that the actual ban has compromised the safety of citizens (also ignoring the actual numbers).
The Aurora Sentinel has, of course, so far failed to publish these numbers -- for some reason they are either unable to access them via public records request or via the internet - - or just think that Bob Broom's word for it is good enough.
It's not.
Aurora continues to fail. Hey, it's progress getting 7 breeds off the list -- but keeping the 3 continues to show that their decisions are completely based on emotion and fear-mongering, not on logic or their own actual data.
and discouraging...
and depressing...
I don't recommend canvassing citizens.. they probably approve of the ban. The only course is to change the composition of the council.
I wonder what this means for the lawsuits?
Posted by: EmilyS | April 11, 2011 at 11:35 PM
You know, If they would eliminate all intelligent people on the Aurora city council, I bet the odds of having intelligent council members would go down too. See, it works!!
Posted by: SVB | April 12, 2011 at 01:41 AM
It's all politicking BS. If the ban is working, then keep it. If it isn't working, get rid of it. But there is no way in Hades that it needs to be kept for three types of dogs and removed for seven others. That's absurd, even for this crew.
One would hope that they're taking the political temperature by removing the ban on several breeds and then seeing if there are mass protests or if 73 kids get eaten next week, perhaps with an eye towards fully removing the ban at a later date. But that's just an optimist's view.
Posted by: Joel | April 12, 2011 at 03:44 PM
What Emily said. :-)
This is nothing more than an effort to eliminate any lawsuits based due to the DOJ ruling on the ADA while keeping their precious ordinance intact.
What the heck is in the water in eastern Colorado? The Apache were able to adjust to drinking water that was tainted with arsenic. I guess the folks in Colorado haven't been able to do that and they have finally succumbed to heavy metal poisoning and damage to nerve tissue.
Posted by: kmk | April 15, 2011 at 10:51 AM
my country just passed a law on banning 7 dog breeds . they have the right to take away dogs of any of these 7 breeds and take "necessary action" (aka kill them because we're a muslim country) . outrageous . any suggestions on what i can do instead of raging on facebook and twitter ?
Posted by: chermayne | April 16, 2011 at 10:11 AM
Once gain, Aurora proves that its council needs to be replaced with people who can a) do arithmetic b) read at a high school level and c) pass a test in reasoning ability.
Maybe they're too close to Needle-Neck Nelson and can't resist the power emanating from his "pit bull" death ray machine.
Or something.
Posted by: Selma | April 18, 2011 at 01:30 PM
Chemayne -- start organizing people who feel the same way you do about it and start lobbying your legislators. And if they don't listen, vote them out of office...
Posted by: Brent | April 19, 2011 at 11:49 AM