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January 01, 2011



Without a doubt, Toledo and Topeka rescinding their BSl were huge news stories. I've watched Toledo and their madness for over 20+ years and was there when Topeka passed their BSL in 1991. I had some personal involvement in those cities, so those stories were huge! Many thanks to the folks who worked VERY hard to get those laws rescinded - Jean Keating in Toledo, and Katie Barnett and Ledy VanKavage in Topeka, and that just scratches the surface.

The most ridiculous items of the year were, in my opinion, and in no particular order:
*SB250 in The People's Republik of Kalifornia (HELLO, you're BROKE, people!)
*The ASPCA hiring Terry Mills (too bad Vick is doing fairly well in his football career - they could give him a job too!)
*Anything to do with Denver (no explanation needed)
*The big brouhaha over Mike Vick. Good grief, people, he served his time. Perhaps all you folks should look in your own back yard and see what's happening at your local shelter - bet they've killed more than six lousy dogs!
*Prop B in Missouri - the idiot animal rights groups mobilize to take in dogs that had perfectly good care in the first place. Hey, how about working to get rid of stupid city laws everywhere that are killing dogs and cats?
*Finally, Brent, where's my favorite story, the one about the cat stuck in the wall in the Dallas shelter that the shelter director wouldn't let the employees remove until it died and started stinking up the place? ;-)

thanks again, Brent, for all your hard work on the blog. Here's to a better 2011 for all animals!


kmk wrote:

"The big brouhaha over Mike Vick. Good grief, people, he served his time. Perhaps all you folks should look in your own back yard and see what's happening at your local shelter - bet they've killed more than six lousy dogs!"

Oh please. Because I can't do both? What kind of bullshit false either/or choice is THAT?

Michael Vick never served ten seconds time for what he did to those dogs, but I'm not a court, judge or jury and this is not about the criminal justice system. It's about standing up and advocating for the dogs Vick killed, and the dogs who he didn't kill but who are living with the legacy of what he did to them, and saying no, don't make a hero out of this guy.

Don't agree? Fine. But don't invent some absurd "choice" that exists only in your imagination.


Dunno kmk: let me know when your local shelter director personally beats/electrocutes dogs to death (or for that matter breeds them to the point of physical depletion); I'm pretty sure we'll get outraged over that.

we're also not supposed to get outraged about Vick if we eat meat..

because morally it's all the same...


The ASPCA hiring Mills is ridiculous but the widespread support of Vick isn't - huh, what!?!


I think the days of expecting the public to hold athletes and celebrities accountable for their actions are long gone.


I went back and read what I wrote about Vick in the first comment and it wasn't what I intended to convey. I was venting on paper and didn't intend to direct my comments to people reading this blog, because anyone reading this blog is probably actively working to improve animal welfare, and they are therefore certainly entitled to their outrage.

But to expect the public to deny Vick "hero" status is a bit unrealistic. Holding people accountable for bad behavior went out of vogue long ago and is "So 70s". As long as Vick's playing well, he's a hero. So many professional athletes have done Very Bad Things and have never faced any type of punishment. At least Vick served prison time. I would have been happier if Virginia had prosecuted him with their state's felony dogfighting law that I'm sure some politician thought they needed. I'm not very impressed with the Feds and all of their "conspiracy/you thought about breaking the law and crossing a state line to do it" charges.

When I wrote the initial comment I was thinking about newspapers that call for "pit bull bans" and then run an editorial about how Vick needs to face maximum punishment. Seriously? Or, the two-faced people like the Independence City Councilman who came up to me at a food drive and said, "I'll be you're upset about Mike Vick". After I had one of those "did I REALLY hear that?" moments, I replied, "Not really, but I'm plenty upset with you! Vick killed 6 or 8 dogs. When you voted for BSL in Independence you killed 500 pets just in the first year alone". Then he didn't have the sense to SHUT UP and said, "Well, I think we passed a good ordinance". I said, "Vick is a common thug. You're a public servant and you didn't vote the way the constituents wanted you to. We expect better from YOU".

Right. Other than that big pile of dead dogs, the ordinance is a real winner. But other than that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?

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