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« Five year old Alabama boy dead from dog attack | Main | St. Louis Shelter's No Kill Policy saves lives »

November 16, 2010



"Weim/pit bull mixes"?

Well, I may be giving a program for the local Weim club Saturday morning. This will provide me with an interesting factoid.

Unfortunate incident.


Large Weim/pit bull mixes = Neopolitan Mastiffs. Good grief...


Except neither Weims nor pit bull mixes have the mass or wrinkles of a Neo, which is about the size of a Clydesdale, but it's a good possibility! Hadn't thought of it. The untrained dog person might come up with that description. Thanks, MichelleD

Hey, isn't Moreno Valley in Riverside County? Did they pass MSN or did they just talk about it?


Is there any way to compare the media attention given to this as opposed to the other tragic death in Alabama, which wasn't committed by 'pit bulls'?

Many people are responding to the Moreno death with "When is the last time you saw a breed OTHER than a pit bull kill somebody?" Unfortunately, it was 2 days ago.


Yeah, pit bull/weim mix sounds like anything that is stocky with a gray coat. Neo mix. Blue pit bull. A weim mixed with just about anything that got the gray color. Who knows?

Moreno Valley is in Riverside County -- which passed MSN in 2009 -- but only for unicorportated areas of the county (which I don't know if Moreno Valley is in the incorporated area or not).

Joel, the best way to compare the media attention is to do a google search on the two incidents and see how many listings google comes up with. The California incident is outpacing the Alabama one at about 2 to 1 right now....I usually try to go back and update all of the stories with how many media accounts there were to see if there is any correlation between breed and number of media reports(and there is).


Moreno Valley is an Incorporated city in Riverside County.
Moreno Valley does not have a mandatory spay/neuter policy, though they provide discounted license fees for altered dogs.
It is worth noting that, in my experience, spay/neuter does not diminish aggression in general, but is effective against sexual-related aggression.

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