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October 12, 2010


Lisa in OH

What a great, great day for Ohio. Sending a huge thank you to Jean Keating and all of those involved with this effort.


Ill bring my pitbull to Toledo and show them how harmless she is.. The biggest loving animal that loves to be petted by everyone.

Lisa in OH

Also, the Lucas County Dog Warden's office is now sending out application forms to reputable rescues to become a rescue partner. Imagine that, they are actually actively seeking out rescues to work with to help place pit bull and non pits in responsible, reputable rescues


Good for Jean Keating and all the other residents who worked so hard in Toledo and Ohio in general.

I still don't understand what altering dogs has to do with the biting situation, but whatever. this is an improvement.

Stephanie Carter

is there a law on how many pitbulls we can own?


I am not 100% certain, but if you're in Ohio, I think the state law # is currently 1

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