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« Sheboygan, WI; and Douglasville, GA both say no to BSL | Main | Memphis passes mandatory spay/neuter (and why it's doomed to fail) »

October 05, 2010



That was a lovely, uplifting story.

I'm fine playing the blame game. Sometimes it serves a good purpose in highlighting the wrongs committed.

I love it, though, when groups and individuals go above that and figure out solutions that are pro-active and positive.

Yes, people should be held accountable. But mostly, people should be helped in such a way that they can provide long-term assistance to themselves and those in their care.


I have always thought people like that needed HELP not condemnation. If a person loves their pets and their pets love them, what is the point of taking them away, usually killing them, and getting the person in trouble like a criminal? HELP THEM keep the animals! There are so many people who won't have pets, or can't because of where they live (another thing that needs to change) that if someone is willing to take in and love 3 dogs LET THEM but help them if needed. That is money much better spent than prosecuting them in court, killing the dogs and dumping the bodies in the landfill, don't you think?


Excellent article. It not only makes sense from a compassionate standpoint, but a financial standpoint as well.


There's a genuine problem, though, about letting people get the idea they'll always be bailed out by someone else and I don't know how we can solve it.

Over here we have a very nearly universal safety net for veterinary treatment, provided by a combination of the PDSA, RSPCA and Blue Cross. This varies from a basic contribution that at least gets the animal seen by a vet in normal office hours to comprehensive clinics in some major cities.

The trouble is that many pet owners simply assume everything will be covered and I also strongly suspect that in some cases they acquire more (or larger) animals than they would if they knew they'd have to pay everything.

It also creates a vicious circle by which any failure to do as much as callers think we ought leads to campaigns to reduce donations to whichever charity was involved.

Maybe the answer is generosity with help at the point of need but firmness about recovering at least some of the cost further down the line.


Truth be told, a helping hand should ALWAYS be the 1st protocol, not the exception and that is why shelters need revamping from the ground up.
As for some theoretical " the same woman coming in with a box full of puppies every six months"... have you gone to a shelter to find a puppy? Fat chance you will find one! Many shelters clamor to get pups, even shipping in from out of area, and when they do arrive, there is a long waiting list of those wanting puppies. Many do not want dogs surrendered because of behavior problems or unknowns that can be risky for families. No-kill strategies help owners retain their dogs and cats by offering re-training and behavioral advice and support for owners having such problems. Stand outside a shelter and just try to see anyone bring a litter of puppies. And if they do, the price set will be quite high for them at the shelter. Writing about nearly non-existent scenarios and stereotypes does not help educate, it only takes away from real issues and real solutions. Stop daydreaming and start writing about REALITY.


Wow, I'd love to live where you live, WethePeoplePets. Here in mid-Missouri, there are puppies at the shelter all the time. In fact, they often get put down because they have been there too long. They also get sick with parvo fairly often because of the inadequate facility which also leads them to be put down. The woman with the box of puppies may not be your reality, but it certainly is mine.

lyn kash

do not many people got their pets years ago,never dreaming that our economy would tank and our jobs would be lost.i know of many people who had decent incomes and full time jobs.these people had pets and children before the,a lot of these people have job loss,new jobs with much lowewr wages and hours are being cut at can happen to ANYONE AT ANY TIME.u dont give away ur spouse,pets and children if times get hard.who has the right to take away pets because u lost a job?the situation it tough,but temporary.our local shelter has a monthly pet food pantry for those in need.once these recipients situations improve,they become donors and helpers at the same pantry.helping each other and not judging is the way to go.many of people have love,but not a lot of money,or have had some bad luck.extend a hand,not a fist.

lyn kash

sorry about the typos.i always hit the wrong keys.

lyn kash

is there any way to correct my typos once my messege has posted?


Lyn, just copy and paste into a new comment and make your edits -- and then I'll go delete the others for you.

Cynthia Anderson

I really like this blog...much different than most items on shelters, dog ownership and assistance that I have read up until now.


WeThePeoplePets... where are you from?? The shelters in the Kc metro have puppies constantly... they may not be "designer" yorkie/min pin/poos, or whatever is cool at the moment, but the are PUPPIES. Lots of boxer mixes, lab mixes, shepherds, pitties, puggles, etc..... Brent always speaks REALITY, and that is why I respect his blog. There should not be any reason to attack a post on pet retention, and helping those who are down on their luck. If Kcs city shelter reached out to those giving up their pets for financial reasons, many animals would be alive today.

alice in LALA land

there are indeed many shelters without puppies.or even dogs. many in the Northeast who "import" from other places.. North Shore Animal League imports dogs all day long and still manages to keep a budget of 30 million ( cough cough) but on to the actual topic
YES pet retention is the answer.. all of the time.. or at least most of the time.. a handout now may be a person who helps later. some of course will be laggards and always want the "freebies' but other will not. if a pet can be kept at home isn't that worth a bag of food? or even six bags of food?
The "blame game' is just that.. a chance to take peoples pets from them and call them irresponsible while lifting your own ego up.. so no blame game here..
good post and this is an idea that is coming to fruition IF people stop blaming others..and start helping to keep pets in their homes..
Good job as always Brent


It is worth every penny we invest in spaying and neutering to help ensure the pets we fix remain in their homes even if that is helping the pet owners with a few resources and assistance. We consider our Outreach Program as an "intervention" program and hope that we can help all pet owners when they are faced with the situation of not being able to care for their pet. Our targeted areas are all low income pet owners, but most of these pet owners have taken animals off the street, took in an unwanted litter mate. In all reality we need more people to take in pets so they don't end up in our shelters... and we (SNKC) help promote responsible pet ownership to deter any unnecessary impounding of a pet.
Michelle, President
Spay & Neuter Kansas City

mary maynard

my pit bull christian maynard got hit by a car and he has a broken jaw in two places. and i need help. he is very loveing and careing dog who loves everyone and my 7 year old is vey heart broken over this.


We assist dog "parents" who have fallen on tough times so that they can keep their pets rather than surrendering them to shelters. The need is great, even in Massachusetts where we are despite having few kill shelters, etc. This is a great article. We are so happy to see Pet Retention gaining traction across the country.

Michael Walden

I am Soo glad I found your great information site. All doggie lovers should read ya post. I respect your opinions. I believe we are in great trouble now, in the recession, but PLEASE keep our animals in mind..They depend on US.

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