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September 16, 2010


Jennifer Brighton

I can't wait to read this book as I have followed Vick Dog Blog almost since inception. I have it on order at my local bookstore and have been waiting each day for the call to go and pick it up. I enjoyed reading your synopsis, Brent.


Stayed up all night reading it. It was well written. When it came to Vick, just the facts, no extra mention. Which I feel is perfect. The portrayal of the dogs, their journey, personalities and the rescue groups interactions were spot on. I'll read it again as soon as I get it back in my hands!


I *am* looking forward to reading this, but the pre-press reviews make me wonder if there isn't a missed opportunity here. Leila's got a point - we don't want to glorify Michael Vick, or turn the book into a chance for him to justify himself and his actions - but the fact remains that he didn't arise in a vacuum; to prevent that kind of cruelty, we need to dismantle the subculture, and we can't do that without understanding it and the mindset of the people within it.


I think the book does a decent job of setting up the subculture that led to this series of events.

I also think Gorant does a good job of setting up what I think has made the dogfighting subculture so difficult to grasp -- because it DOES cross a lot of demographic and psychographic barriers.

I don't think the book, in any way, glorfies what Vick did or give him a chance to justify his actions....(if anyone disagrees, please feel free to speak up).

I think what may be the bigger picture is that part of the reason this has been allowed to go on for so long is that the victims have been seen as "just dogs" -- and thus, hasn't been a super-high priority within law enforcement....which I do think is beginning to change and Gorant makes a really nice case for why the "they are just dogs" mentality really doesn't make sense. I may post that section of the book in the next day or so because I do think it is interesting and well-done.


While reading about the Eagles' win (with Michael Vick starting), I saw a link to a new book about the Vick investigation. "Bad Newz" is co-written by HSUS employee Kathy Strouse and "Dog Angel" (allegedly an HSUS undercover operative who helped break the case). I know that Kathy Strouse was an HSUS-paid expert witness in the Floyd Boudreaux case. The judge did not approve of her qualifications and she was not allowed to testify.

Does this smell as fishy to you as it does to me?


Um, yeah, Sara -- this sounds completely suspicious. There was never any mention of anyone from HSUS involved in the investigation at all in The Lost Dogs....

I wonder if once again they're trying to take credit for something they weren't involved in...

Social Mange

Just read it, I'm impressed with the book. I'm really curious as to whether the money paid for the dogs' care ever got out of the government coffers to the people looking after the dogs.

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