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August 22, 2010



Just like to note that the story about the pit bull saving a woman and child is one year old. The article you linked to links to an original article which is not dated, but if you look at the comments, the earliest ones were from one year ago.


I live in Houston and when the story about the dog attack on the homeless woman was announced on a local TV station, it was "3 Pitbulls maul a woman". I always cringe when I hear these announcements because I know that most people couldn't actually pick a Pitbull out of a line up (including myself; I took the online test and it took me 5 or 6 tries to pick out the Pitbull). Also, the TV station showed a scene of some dogs on chains, then some dogs barking in a kennel. But I don't think either set of dogs were the ones that attacked the woman. They just pick random photos of dogs that look like Pitbulls to show along with the story. It really is inflammatory.


I watch one local station about the houston attack that had a very balanced look and actually stuck to the facts : a homeless woman was found mauled by dogs and three mixed breed dogs, one of whom resembled a pit bull were being taken to be tested to see if they were involved in the attack. It also discussed the fact the dogs were not pets but guard dogs left at a warehouse. It showed the pit mix that was being taking in licking the animal control guy. Fox news that evening led with a woman yelling "Homeless woman viciously mauled by pit bulls".

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