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August 15, 2010



hey thanks for the link to crazy Matt's "reflection" in which he dishonestly pretends to quote me, just making s*** up.

mary frances

Thank you so much for all the work you do - I will eventually read them all -

never read For Your Entertainment - John Sibly - great read...the better angels of our you Brent I am thrilled with the really good writers on these topics.

mary frances

So sorry - For Your Entertainment - I misspelled John Sibley (Sibley with an e) - also his previous post is very good 8/3/10 entitled -

Euthanizing the Myths - the Irresponsible Public

He's good.


"Dallas Shelter Manager Indicted" is one of my all-time favorite stories. A cat got trapped inside a wall at the shelter and the manager wouldn't allow employees to cut a hole in the wall and get the cat out - UNTIL it died and started stinking up the place. Then it was okay to get it out.

You can't make this stuff up, as they say.

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