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« No Kill Conference 2010 -- some links | Main | Walter, an abused 'pit bull' that has been rescued by ordinary people, makes the Today Show »

August 03, 2010



Meanwhile shelter pets and staff throughout the southern half of the US continue to operate without air conditioning under a heat advisory because they can't afford it. Just think how many shelters could be air conditioned - and quality of life improved - for $450,000. But yeah, let's pile more laws on top of the unenforced existing ones - that's a better way to spend donor money.





Of course we need to put an end to people who are cruelly treating large quantities of pets -- but we need to be at least somewhat smart about this and if the problem is enforcement (which everyone unanimously agrees it is), not spend millions of dollars passing a law that will not solve the problem.

YB, I can't help but think how many USDA officers they could afford for $450,000 who could go in and do a 2 year crackdown on unlicensed operations (which is estimated at around 1500 unlicensed operations in Missouri). Close them all down with the payment for officers and you're set.

This is going to end up costing a couple of million dollars and we'll be no better off than when we started.


I will be voting for the Prop. B, in spite of the agreed upon point of lack of enforcement. There is value in getting this issue marketed in front of residents. Missouri is number one in the sheer number of mills! I view the initiative, and the money that will be spent as humane education to the largest audience. Perhaps by doing nothing more than focusing attention, doors to additional help will be opened (enforcement, etc.)


Charlies -- I do have some reservations about the bill itself. The 50 breeding dog limit has a major loophole that would allow two partners in a business to have up to 100 breeding dogs if they just split the business licenses -- and citizens initiatives are VERY hard to change once they become laws -- so it's something to think about.

The rest of the law is virtually the same as the Animal Welfare Act regulations -- so they really don't change anything. It's just a shame that so much money is going to be spent by animal welfare advocacy groups to pass something that won't solve the problem when the money could have been used to actually make a positive impact.


"50 breeding dog limit has a major loophole" - no, its not a loop hole its a BS provision that does nothing to ensure proper care of the animals. Its just as arbitrary and useless as pet limits imposed on regular citizens. I won't be surprised when Animals Rights wingnuts will try to get this 50 animal limit imposed on shelters as well. Its already happened in other states that "puppy mill" provisions get expanded to the general public.

The animal welfare community is just continuing its proven track record of pushing for useless laws that don't address the problem and will only effect the people that are ALREADY abiding by current laws.

But the best part for commercial breeders at least is now it will always be legal to commercially breed in the state of MO. This law will only be able to be changed or altered by another citizen's petition. And with H$U$ days numbered they probably won't be around to fund the next round.

All this money spent on "education" could have been spent on shutting down ALREADY ILLEGAL operations in the state.


I had a rather interesting conversation with a rescuer from the Springfield area in southern Missouri. I asked her how the ballot initiative differed from the ACFA law already on the books, and of course she had no idea but then I'm sure neither did 99% of the people that signed the petition, so I tried not to hold that against her.

She accused me of doing nothing for dogs that need homes. Not so. I told her while she's busy trying to clean up the mess that's the result of almost NO low cost speutering and municipal support in her area (NOT puppy mills!), I spend my time trying to prevent pets that actually have a home from being confiscated and killed due to stupid municipal policy, among other things. She's busy mopping the floor due to the leaky faucet while I'd like repair the leaky faucet permanently with good municipal laws, no-kill policies, and low cost spuetering. Commerical breeders are not a blip on my radar. Sorry.

The 450K wasn't the only donation. DDAL also donated 30K and they are now part of the HSUS. I suggested to the rescuer it would have been better for the HSUS to donate 480K to rescues, shelters, and vet clinics to provide low cost speutering in the southwest Missouri area than to worry about dogs that already have care, homes, air conditioning, and regulation.

As far as the HSUS donating the money for enforcement, nope, don't think so. We can't have NGOs dictating government policy. That's dangerous.

The rescuer to whom I spoke cited several "puppy mill busts" but not one of them was a legal, licensed, inspected kennel. Licensed commercial breeders are more heavily regulated and inspected than day cares in Missouri. It's also easier to get a day care license. Many people find it difficult to believe there was a time when breeding dogs was not considered criminal activity but leaving your infant with a total stranger was kind of frowned upon.

We don't need more regulation. "It's the enforcement, stupid".

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