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July 22, 2010



you know, it continues to perplex, annoy and infuriate me that these bloody city bureocrats keep jumping on the "all pit bulls are bad" wagon when ALL the evidence points to the exact opposite! that bite stats do NOT go down, that thousands of animals are subsequently abandoned, that there is NO support that banning ONE breed has any impact on ANYTHING other than targetting innocent dogs. Just WHAT do they base their decisions on??


Just WHAT do they base their decisions on?

Emotional fear. And the desire to "Do something quickly" -- which never translates into getting all of the details first.

What I never quite get is, if there was a bridge collapse, they would listen to highway engineers on prefered solutions - -and yet seem unwilling to listen to canine experts when making laws dealing with dogs...

pit lover

I very much agree with the above statement .. not all pitbulls are bad dogs. I happen to own one and she's the biggest love bug you could ever imagine. People that fight these dogs or abuse them is what makes them mean so why not ban rotties and dobermans and every other dog on the aggressive dog list or make owners muzzle them also!!

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