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May 26, 2010



I felt sick after reading the report for many reasons. One (of many) images seared into my brain is the OK breeder - not a Vet - cutting open a pregnant bitch w/out anesthesia and letting her bleed to death.


Is there any hope for true enforcement under the USDA? After all, their mission is far more about the promotion of agricultural interests than law enforcement.


Thanks for this insightful glimpse into this horrifying, but not entirely unexpected results of the audit.

As you know, Brent, at the Veterinary News Network, our Message Points are similar. The answer to this problem is not new legislation, but consistent enforcement of the already good laws on the books.

If we spent the money currently being tossed away to lobbyists, signature gatherers and advertising for new laws on enforcement of existing laws, we could probably start making a dent in this issue.

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