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« H.B. 79 that would eliminate statewide BSL in Ohio is set for a hearing | Main | The media, breed mis-identification, and the danger in creating narratives based on untruths »

April 11, 2010



And don't forget the Cairn Terrier and genitals incident.


I'm sure you'll be "surprised" to hear that dogsbite lists Southfield as a city that has a ban -- along with a link to a news story reporting that the council was CONSIDERING some sort of BSL up to and including a ban. I'm curious to know how many of the other listed cities in each state actually HAVE passed BSL.


Lori, you may have noticed that accuracy isn't their strong point there.

Understand A Bull has as good of a list as I've encountered. It's not perfect (because keeping tabs on all the changes, many of which are not well-publicized) is very difficult. But overall she does a good job.

Funny story, I had friend who was traveling to Detroit from KC awhile back and had made a hotel reservation in a town in Southern Illinois. She later realized that the town was on the list of having BSL, so she emailed the city tourism board about it and why she would be changing their reservation. She got an email back not only from the tourism director, but also from the mayor, letting her know that that they had repealed the law and hoped that she would reconsider. She did of course -- but it's interesting how much money can talk in these small towns.

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