This is a look at the Top 5 blog postings for February on the KC Dog Blog based on data from Google Analytics. This should help those of you who may have missed earlier blog postings. The +1 includes a post that I wish more people would have read, but didn't.
The most popular topic of the month clearly goes to Rambo and Brittany -- who were popular topics across the board.
1) The Problems with BSL - Brampton, Ontario Edition - this was the first, and most popular post on these two victims of BSL. Follow-ups include: Brampton Officials Take Out Full Page Newspaper Ad to Defend their Position, and At Some Point, You can No Longer Claim to Be About Safety and it becomes just about Spite.
3) No Kill Communities vs No Kill Shelters -- and why confusing the two endangerous the movement -- I hadn't expected that one to be controversial when I first wrote it.
4) HSUS: The Disingenuous Fundraising Machine
+1 -- the post I wish more people had read
This was a tough oen this month, because there were a couple I was thinking about. But earlier in the month I posted the actual numbers that have resulted from the KCMO law that mandates that all 'pit bulls' be sterilized under the headline: Kansas City, MO BSL/MSN - Year 4. Can we quit pretending it's working yet?
The results here have not been pretty -- and it is my hope that more people will see them and realize that laws mandating spay/neuter are not a good option. We DO need to work to prevent more 'pit bulls' from getting into the shelter -- but a mandatory sterilization law seems to have the exact opposite effect.
Thanks for a good month everyone.