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January 04, 2010


Social Mange

I trust that this oversight committee does not include Tina Skeldon-Wozniak and Pete Gerken.


Ha -- yes. The committee is not made up of any politicians -- mostly vets and rescuers. Meanwhile, Skeldon Wozniak and Gerken are commissioners in Lucas County, but have no power in the actual city of Toledo.


I looked it up and found that Ms. Skeldon-Wozniak's term is up in 2012. Let me know if she runs for re-election. I'll give money to her opponent. She should have recused herself from voting on her cousin's firing. From what I could find, you guys are stuck with Gerken until 2012, as well. I'll contribute money to getting rid of him as well.



All three of the county commissioners have at least informally announced that they will not run for office in 2012 - so likely the citizens of Lucas County will be rid of both Skeldon-Wozniak and Pete Gerken at that time. Virtually all of the people who have shown interest in running in 2012 have said they were in favor of changing the rules for pit bulls in the shelter and allow them to be adopted out.

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