A little more than a year after passing breed specific legislation in Sioux City, IA; Mayor Mike Hobart has his regrets. Although he voted to pass the legislation at the time, he now has second thoughts. He told the Sioux City Journal that he has heard "some heart-wrenching stories....I would vote to recind it tomorrow. I was never a strong proponent of it. I though we would give some exceptions and found out too late we didn't."
Sioux City, which has three new city council members that didn't vote on the initial ban -- 2 of them appear to be opposed to the breed specific ordinance, 1 appears in favor. The city plans to re-address the breed specific legislation in an upcoming session.
From the beginning, Sioux City has had struggles with their BSL. After the first set of meetings, their animal control officers targeted people who spoke out against the ban in their meeting, causing a rash of complaints for violating certain freedoms of speech.
Later,the Veterinarian community opted to no longer cooperate with the city by helping them get dogs licensed because they didn't want to be held accountable for the breed identification.
Then, the paperwork that animal control was using to confiscate 'pit bulls' for violations violated the 5th Amendment by forcing people to admit guilt by signing over that their dog was a 'pit bull'.
Then, the primary councilmember who pushed for the breed ban, Aaron Rochester, had his Labrador Retriever get free and aggressively bite a jogger in the neighborhood. The dog was put on doggie death row, but was then stolen from the shelter (a felony) the night before he was to be euthanized. No one was ever found or arrested in the case.
Over the course of the year, the law has led to their shelter being filled up with 'pit bulls', and the city facing several civil suits against the city for arbitrary decision-making on which dogs were affected.
Then, in November, one council member who voted for the ban, Rixner, was voted out of office in favor of a dog-friendly candidate.
It sounds as if a lot of the city leaders in Sioux City have found out exactly how bad of legislation their breed ban is and it sounds like some changes may be coming down the pike in the near future.
They should put a moratorium on enforcing this immediately.
Posted by: MichelleD | January 20, 2010 at 05:08 PM
It wasn't Rochester who was voted out; he wasn't up this year -- you reported it yourself, it was Rixner, another council member who voted for the breed ban.
Sioux City council really is a special category of clown car, though.
Posted by: H Houlahan | January 20, 2010 at 07:42 PM
Sheesh. Thanks H. I fixed it in the original post. That'll teach me to go off of memory...
Posted by: Brent | January 20, 2010 at 08:04 PM
Their was a great dane at animal control for almost a year that had bittin twice! after being at animal control he settled done and then the judge gave the owner back his dog! Iknew this dog and owner and the owner abused his dog! I had told animal control about this 3 years ago and nothing was done! Keano will be back becouse his owner steve abuses him so its almost all of the owners of the aggressive dogs that are at fault! The owner and animal should have to go through a special classes to deturmin if the owner is a good pet owner!! I have many more points that I and many others would be affective in this matter!! PUNISH THE DEED AND NOT THE BREED!!
Posted by: Jesse | January 20, 2010 at 08:21 PM
Jesse, was this in Sioux City? You need to contact your city council with this information.
Posted by: MichelleD | January 21, 2010 at 10:07 AM
Your story is so inspiring. Good news in what sometimes seems like a loosing battle.
Yay for pitbulls!
Pit Lover in Portland (Oregon, that is)
PS - your black pit looks just like my Ramona
Posted by: Kelly Thoreson | January 21, 2010 at 08:33 PM