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December 26, 2009



What is wrong with these people? Are their egos really so out of control that they can't admit that BSL is a dead duck?
Seems they are the breed that needs banning.

Karla Jordan

UK resident here. What those statistics don't say is that UK hospitals record any dog related incident under the same category. Thus, if your over eager Golden Retriever knocks greets you when you get home, knocks you over causing you to sprain your ankle, that is a "dog attack".

Secondly, the Daily Mail is a tabloid, well known for exploiting figures and whipping their ultra conservative readership into frenzies over the most mis-informed subjects. Hence, the correct term of "dog encounter" into "dog bites". It is primarily the Daily Mail readership, under-informed and over-paranoid, that caused the DDA to be enacted in the first place.



In all fairness, the Daily Mail is one of dozens of newspapers across the UK that are reporting similar numbers -- most only for their own area. I included the Daily Mail because it has numbers from multiple cities and it saved me from providing multiple links.

While yes, the hospital reports cover everything from the very minor bites to severe attacks, they have for the entirety of the time they have been tracking the numbers. And yes, in the vast majority of the incidents are very minor. But if the country's breed ban was really improving public safety, you'd expect all of the numbers to go down...and it's just not fact, it is having the opposite affect.


there is an easy answer to this problem, and thats to have all dogs muzzeled in public area's, there for, it is impossible for anyone to get bitten by some out of control dog. i'm a dog owner and i would be more than happy to muzzel my dogs.


Sure seems like a very over-reactive response to a very small problem.

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In all fairness, the Daily Mail is one of dozens of newspapers across the UK that are reporting similar numbers -- most only for their own area. I included the Daily Mail because it has numbers from multiple cities and it saved me from providing multiple links.

While yes, the hospital reports cover everything from the very minor bites to severe attacks, they have for the entirety of the time they have been tracking the numbers. And yes, in the vast majority of the incidents are very minor. But if the countrys breed ban was really improving public safety, youd expect all of the numbers to go down...and its just not fact, it is having the opposite affect.

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