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« 69 | Main | IS HSUS trying to take credit/donations for the work of others? »

December 02, 2009



yes exactly. Incredible progress.

And the next step will be to tone down the victim angle (though the dogs certainly are victims) and focus instead on what survivors they are. Any dog can be a victim... how many can survive what these dogs did and (so many) end up as "normal" pets or extraordinary role models like the therapy dogs?

I did HATE HATE HATE the text referring to "Humane Society" saving the dogs because to most people that will mean HSUS, rather than the completely unrelated HSMo, the lead organization in the rescue.


I currently have just one of those dogs wrapped up behind my legs as I type. =) These dogs are lucky, and they are a testament as you said to how far we've come. There is always more work to do, but for each of the dogs that have made it out and are settling into foster homes (maybe adoptive homes, though I believe there was a 6 week mandatory foster status), the victory of a second chance undoubtably means everything.

Love your blog, keep up the good work!


I think we really have progressed. It is one of those tangible things too - something most of us have gotten to see in our very own lifetimes! I never thought, ten years ago, that we'd finally be at a point where fight bust dogs would be given a chance at adoption. Yet here we are, but for the grace of tenacious, dedicated people AND pure, dumb luck (especially in the case of Vick). It's truly wonderful.


The thing I worry will happen once the media image of Pit Bulls has been repaired, is that the stigma will just move on to the next 'boogeyman' breed, in the same cycle of breed-demonizing that's been going on for the past 100 years.


Getting back to Pai's comment: that's a legitimate fear, but I think that we as a culture are finally - FINALLY! - getting to a place where the average person understands enough about dog psychology and behavior to know that there are no breeds that are "born bad." And it's the media that are making the difference; that SI cover reflects the current thought, but it's also, in a sense, directing the conversation. And media figures like Cesar Millan--love him or hate him, he is bringing to the mainstream ideas about dog behavior which had previously been very specialized. Fear is born of ignorance, and when people have access to more (and better!) information, ignorance cannot last.
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