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« Catching up | Main | Norfolk, VA Woman Dead after dog Attack »

December 17, 2009



Dogs don't just "snap"

Thank you for this. I can't say this enough to people.

Dogs give TONS of warning signs, we're just usually too dense to see them.

And I agree, until we educate people on how to properly raise a pet, and how to properly interact with dogs, this issues won't go away.


Psstt...Title typo


Thanks Vicki. Fixed now.


Too many of these...

I saw an anonymous plea on Craigslist about a week ago. Gave an address, said the dog in the backyard was nearly always tied up, sometimes escaping through a hole. Wanted people to go by and tell these people to behave differently.

You could try talking with people, and I have, but in my experience most strangers are likely not to trust you or change their behavior, regardless of your good intentions. The lady across from us lets her dog roam free. I have spoken with her gently, suggesting that his forays out into the street barking at passersby might end with his being hurt, or flattened by a car. Nothing has changed. Later I offered to rebuild a gate, but no.

I generally don't think laws are the answer, but perhaps a combination of laws and citizen action might be effective. There is an ordinance against roaming here, but when an officer came by one day the owner explained that the yard he was in was part of their property and the landlord backed her up. (It is not part of her lot, but it does belong to him). So the AC folks left and haven't been back. But when AC gets involved the dog often winds up getting removed, then they just get another free one from a neighbor and the problem continues. Almost needs a case-worker approach, and a judge who intervenes while the pet is kept there.

I think most readers here would agree with most everything in Brent's post and the comment. Do they prompt you to think of "actionable" ideas? For example: The HSUS could use some of that money they are getting from their exploitation of Fay for a social marketing study (such as what they did on how to reach people with an effective spay/neuter message in the hardest-hit areas post-Katrina) to find out how best to reach out to these good people, our neighbors? Calgary is pretty proactive about this, maybe something like that?

The actual events may be so infrequent that we cannot stop them, but if nothing is done the reaction might well be ineffective and/or lead to more tragedies.

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