Lucas County Dog Warden Tom Skeldon submitted a letter of resignation today.
Skeldon's official last day will be January 31st, 2010 -- however, most of that time will be using some of his accrued vacation time. His last day in the office will be December 31st, 2009.
The announcement comes nine days after Commissioner Ben Konop offically announced a proposal to fire Skeldon -- and proposal that was voted against by the other two commissioners Pete Gerken and Skeldon's 1st Counsin Tina Skeldon Wozniak.
Skeldon has been coming under increased fire over the past year. Most of the roll against Skeldon began last winter afterone of Skeldon's staff shot a tranquilizer into a small dog that was "loose" on his own porch -- with enough of a dosage that the dog died.
As people began investigating Skeldon, they found the shelter to continue to operate with a very high kill rate (77%) and an extremely low 13% adoption rate. They found a dog warden that was unwilling to work with rescue groups. And dogs were dying.
A committee was assembled to provide recommendations on improvements to be made at the shelter -- improvements that Skeldon, throughout, has been reluctant to even admit were problems. The Toledo Blade continue to run editorials and editorial cartoons calling for Skeldon's dismissal. The committee recommended some strict new rules last week one of which was to cease the killing of puppies. Skeldon responded by killing 10 healthy puppies after holding them for only one day.
Konap responded to the killing yesterday by saying. "It makes me physically ill to think the county is in some sense sanctioning this behavior. There is no excuse for this. To me, it shows beyond a reasonable doubt why there needs to be changes in leadership at the dog warden....I can't imagine any logical reason to kill 10 healthy, non-"pit bull" puppies in less than 24 hours after they were turned in. It's disgusting."
And under the mounting pressure, Skeldon resigned. And soon, the citizens of Toledo will get a new dog warden -- and hopefully one that doesn't think killing is a major part of his job description.
Posted by: YesBiscuit | November 19, 2009 at 09:31 AM
Fantastic news! I hope he dies a slow and painful death for all the dogs he's murdered. Yes, murdered.
Posted by: Brian Cluxton | November 19, 2009 at 10:07 AM
OMG!!!! that asshole killed one pit bull with pink toe nail polish too many.
RIP little puppy; your sacrifice will save many of your brothers and sisters.
Posted by: EmilyS | November 19, 2009 at 10:29 AM
This news had made my day. All of the pups are getting extra goodies today to celebrate
Posted by: Lisa in OH | November 19, 2009 at 10:39 AM
Its about f-ing time! YAY FOR DOGS!
Posted by: Slappy | November 19, 2009 at 10:49 AM
Hate to be a kill joy but "Mr. Gerken also said he will ask the county's administration to appoint Bonnie Mitchell, the current dog pound manager, as the interim dog warden while a search takes place."
This person is the one that should have been directly over-seeing the killing of those puppies.
Posted by: MichelleD | November 19, 2009 at 11:04 AM
What great news!
Posted by: Angel | November 19, 2009 at 11:16 AM
I don't know how many readers caught this in the Toledo Blade's "Letters to the Editor" section. If there ever was a question about who's side PeTA is on, this answers it. Read the following letter from PeTA.
Owners to blame for county kill rate
We thank Lucas County Dog Warden Tom Skeldon and his staff for putting animals' best interests first by not haphazardly adopting out dogs just to make the pound's euthanasia statistics look better.
No one wants to end the need for euthanasia more than the brave people who hold the syringe, but pushing dogs out the door like clearance merchandise or releasing vulnerable breeds into a world that holds only suffering and death for so many of them isn't the way to do that. Until the number of homeless dogs is reduced through spaying and neutering, euthanasia will stay a heartbreaking necessity.
Those upset about the number of dogs euthanized for lack of homes should direct their anger at those who are directly responsible: breeders, pet stores, and people who don't spay or neuter their animals. Animal care and control professionals should be supported in their daily fight to do the right thing for animals and for the important work they do to protect animals and the community.
Jennifer Brown
Animal Sheltering Adviser
People for the Ethical
Treatment of Animals
Norfolk, Va.
Posted by: KC KS Kills Dogs | November 19, 2009 at 01:11 PM
Now we just have to hope there is a hell for Skeldon to go rot in.
Hopefully, he is the first of many pro-BSL dog-haters who are about to get theirs.
Thanks for the letter from PETA, I've sent it on to the guys at for the edification of people this side of the planet.
Nothing proves the insanity that is PETA more succinctly than this letter of thanks to that murderer Skeldon.
Posted by: Karen | November 19, 2009 at 03:59 PM
This has made my day!
I am really hoping his replacement will be more enlightened, including smart enough to place pit bull puppies up for adoption and fair enough to allow reputable rescues to take some of the pit bulls.
Mostly, I'm just glad that next year will be that much brighter for any dog unfortunate enough to end up at that shelter.
Posted by: Rinalia | November 19, 2009 at 05:38 PM
This man has been at the forefront preaching hatred of pit bulls for many years. I as a Humane Officer now retired had many concerns of this man and his teachings of hatred towards pit bulls and the handling of them to dog wardens all over the state. Finally he has done something good to benefit the dogs he was empowered over. His hatred will be his own undoing. To the county commissioners that over saw this man, shame on you. But we all know that the good ole boy system rules in government and this was obviously the case here. They are all relatives does'nt that seem funny that the system is so curoupt that no one could ever stop this monster? Thank God he is gone and now someday will face the ultimate judge himself!
Posted by: Mitch Witherell | November 19, 2009 at 08:43 PM
When I first heard of this Savage being in the same neo-Nazi outfit with Bryant of Ontario (now being an alleged Murderer he started enjoying Murdering Cyclists with his car)Pizano and Gallagher of Dade,the Denver Holocaust Hinklepooper and D.Kelley it was only a week and a bit ago,I felt a little ill,but now Scumbag Skeldon gone Hurrah Hurrah Hurrah.BSl certainly is starting not to look to good to those failing politicos.
Karma tells me that the next Murderous Wanker too be knocked off his pedestal MçGuinty of Ontario.
Well done Lucas county and the one sensible and decent Commissioner.
[email protected]
Posted by: selwyn marock | November 21, 2009 at 08:04 AM
We couldnt be happier! Its people like him that help to give pit bulls their bad rap.. Hell last i heard it was scientifically proven that dalmations and golden retrievers were more tempramental towards children. You see when I'm telling my three year old about bad people in this world you fall in this catagory. How shameful!!
Posted by: Crystal | December 15, 2009 at 08:17 PM
Posted by: EmilyS | December 15, 2009 at 11:16 PM
Posted by: Debra Fausett | January 05, 2010 at 10:00 AM
Seriously? ppl who work with animals shouldnt ever think of killing them. When are we going to get ppl who actually care about animal welfare in these positions? I comprehend in some cases euth is a more humane option, its all about quality of life, but Im sorry, 10 puppies? I bet they were healthy too. Makes me sick. Some times you can tell alot about someone by their face. I can tell by this mans face he is NOT one to be trusted.
Posted by: Melissa | March 30, 2011 at 07:26 PM
and THIS just after DBO names Tom Skeldon "Dog Warden of The Year". Looks good on Skeldon and DBO. Speaks volumes as to what DBO is really about doesn't it?
Posted by: Fran C | October 07, 2019 at 03:27 PM