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« Toledo's Tom Skeldon Down, but not out | Main | Puerto Rico becomes the next to repeal ban on Pit Bulls »

November 13, 2009


KC KS Kills Dogs

This is WONDERFUL to see a newspaper not afraid to speak out about injustice and nepotism in their town's Dog Warden Tom Skeldon.

It's most unfortunate that Kansas City, KS doesn't have a mainstream newspaper that will report the truth about the bufoons still pushing their PB ban and confiscating and killing people's beloved dogs.

Do you hear that KC Star, The Kansas City Kansan, Wyandotte West papers?


Those are brilliant editorial cartoons.


The cartoons are great - they will probably do as much as the words written in the paper to highlight the issues.

Regarding the previous comments...I do understand that DNA testing might result in a few less dogs dying needlessly - or it might not, regardless of the law. But their racist focus on particular breeds is just as shortsighted as all the anger directed at Skeldon. Just as the problem is not the breed, the problem is not Skeldon. There are a thousand Skeldons out there, such as the city workers in Jourdanton, TX that carried stray dogs in kennels to the sewer plant and dropped their kennels in the sewage water to drown because it saved a few bucks over euthanasia. They may fire or reassign Skeldon, and the next person may only kill 50%, and everyone will label it a huge success and point to how they are doing just as good as most of the other shelters, now that "the problem" is resovled.

Until we can get past all the small-minded focus on outward charactaristics and little tyrants, and teach people to respect each other and our pets, there will always be another breed to pick on or another cruel and cowardly person to point at. A lot of the stuff written on this blog would seem to support that, if people really believe what they are writing. Bill Bruce seems to have done it, and Winograd has made a few stabs at it. It can happen.

I hope the cartoonist continues, long after Skeldon...

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