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October 21, 2009



except that some of the Vick dogs at BF WILL have a normal life (if by "normal" he means life in a home with a family), as this one just did:

Dogfighting is repellent and immoral, yes. But having been a fighting dog doesn't necessarily make it "abnormal" and unable to live a normal life. 2 of the most scarred Vick dogs (Leo and Hector), apparent fighters, are now THERAPY dogs, for goodness sake!

Brent Toellner

In fairness Emily, in the full article, Gladwell singles out 4 or 5 dogs that were forbidden by the courts from ever leaving Best Friends -- in which case, in reference to those dogs, he is right. Leo and Hector neither one were at Best Friends, and Gladwell did not talk about any of the other dogs from Bad Newz Kennels that didn't go to BF. You are correct -- it would have been nice for him to talk about the many great success stories, but within the context of the article, that passage makes complete sense.

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