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August 13, 2009



Wassamatter at HSUS that they're hat in hand again? Wayne need some new Armani suits?


This is why it's important to have a proper, explicit will. Just saying something vague like "Give my money to help dogs" just created loopholes and drama like this.


If we are going to award money based on adoptions, can we also take away money based on killings? That would leave a pretty hefty bill at the door of HSUS.


Anyone else find in sickening that H$U$ of all groups, is suing because Leona wanted the money to go to help dogs and the trust didn't honor her wishes. AND YET, this is the same org that DID NOT use all of the Katrina money to help the Katrina victims!

Even a large chunk of that money went to spay and neuter programs - that is not what people donated for. They wanted the money to be spent to SAVE ALL OF THOSE ANIMALS!

Funny, Maddie's is the only one of those orgs I trust to use the money to directly help dogs.


I agree with Pai - when my "well-off" uncle died a decade ago he sent almost all of his money to Big Cat rescue - he stated explicitly where the money was to go, and that's where it went. No problem.

Social Mange

Having seen (from a distance) enough squabbles over family money, one's will doesn't guarantee that some greedy pondscum will not go to court to try to grab more...or all.


I work for the HSUS and our organization takes the same position as Maddie's Fund.

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