I posted a little about Vick & HSUS this morning, but one other great thing to come out of Mike Vick leaving jail has been the amount of positive news coverage that has come for the now-recovering victims.
Donna, over at BAD RAP, has a video of Jhumpa that ran earlier this week on Anderson Cooper 360. Anderson Cooper ran a nice piece on some of the Vick dogs back in December also, so it was great to have another follow up.
Meanwhile, the NBC Nightly News with Brian Williams also ran a story about several of the dog that are rehabilitating out at Best Friends' sactuary out in Utah. Our Pack has the video link.
Meanwhile, the Daily Oklahoman had a follow-up story on Alf --another dog rescued from Bad Newz Kennels.
The stories and the videos do an amazing job of showing that these dogs are not some genetic freaks of nature. They are merely dogs. Shaped by their environment, and by the way their owners or handlers treat them. And they have the ability to change dramatically and adapt to a new lifestyle.