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March 31, 2009



If the media ever decides to find some sort of conscience, I'll probably keel over and die from shock alone.

This is a terrible, terrible story. I don't understand how many more times this has to happen before people get it.

It is not the breed that matters.
It is not the breed that matters.
It is not the breed that matters.


Are we banging our heads against the wall? I really hope not.


Wow, 11 and it's only the end of March. We had none here in Canada in 2008 and thus far this year, none. We average one per year nationwide, but we have about 1/10 the pop of the US.

You're right on, Brent. Until social issues and dog management issues are resolved, dogs will keep getting a reputation they don't deserve and certain dogs and their owner will be scapegoats for everybody else's mistakes.

The dog and kid thing is pretty simple. The best way I heard it described was along the lines of "Picture two toddlers playing together. One of them is very coordinated and has a pair of scissors."

Nuff said.


This is so frustrating!!!!!....!!!!!
Sorry, had to emphasize for a sec

I feel like us who are educated about how to look at these stories and dog attacks in general are banging our heads against the wall. It's so infuriating that one of the biggest influences on many peoples' minds (media) is so one-sided for no reason!

I can only say that if others of you are as frustrated as me about this, take the fire in your heart that it makes you feel and put it towards logically and responsibly educating as many people as you can- from individuals to local news stations to your government officials!

Your one voice can educate an endless amount of people :)


"Picture two toddlers playing together. One of them is very coordinated and has a pair of scissors." I LOVE this Selma!

I have to wonder if the 2 dogs in this case were also Male/Female. Whenever I hear of 2 very large dogs attacking a child I think of the SF case.

Regardless, the call of the day is education. On two fronts - all dogs bite and children/dogs. It's been said time and time again, stereotyping won't save a life/injury, but learning dog signals and taking basic precautions will.

Don't know if you saw it, or if it was mentioned on this blog already...but last Friday, Justin Timberlake was on Oprah. He loves his dogs like they are his kids and shared a photo on air. He and Jessica Biel have 3 dogs, one a pit bull terrier (that Jessica adopted from a shelter a few years ago as we all probably know). Anyway, Gayle chimed in "oh aren't you scared? i'm so scared of those dogs b/c I only ever hear about how they injure people on the news" Oprah then followed up, "yah, those dogs scare me" Justin did a good job trying to differ but Gayle chimed in again, interrupting him and said "Aren't you afraid it's just going to snap? I hear they do that". Then Oprah changed the subject before Justin could get another word in and they went to commercial.

PERFECT example of how the media perpetuates the myth.

I know there have been many 'educating Oprah' attempts, but clearly it's Gayle that we need to educate.I was so frustrated and disheartened to see this on her show.

Brent, I wish we could find a way to 'purple cow' this topic b/c NO ONE seems to get it (except for us responsible, educated dog folks!).

You know, it may be as simple as media responsiblity (ha! I had to LOL when I typed that! sort of an oxymoron those words together!). If media reported the 'why' and 'how' instead of the 'who' (ie. breed) these events happen, perhaps people would understand the REAL common thread in all these incidents they report. Then the media would be doing a service instead of creating hysteria.

Infuriating! And horribly sad.


Yes K. The dogs were male and female, both unaltered.

Really frustrating about Oprah...hopefully JT can spread the good word :)


GO JT! I knew there was a reason I liked him.

Krislars: Great comment. Very informative. I wonder if Oprah would do anything on this topic if it stuck to a theme related to stereotyping or even about how the media is misleading. I am ignorant of her show, so I don't know, maybe she is too involved with certain channels to want to do something like that. Thoughts?


Just a comment about male/female unaltered etc... involved in this tragedy and others
When things happen and the dogs are intact, it's another symptom, not a cause.

Yes hormones can be an issue but I've had intact dogs and kids and never an incident.

Of course, my dogs are very well socialized and trained, I NEVER leave kids and dogs alone and I use common sense.

Until the 1980s, intact house pets and neighborhood roaming dogs were the norm. they still are in Switzerland, Sweden, denmark, Belgium etc... and you never hear about these sorts of incidents, not with this frequency.

Intact dogs do require a little more management and a slightly different training regime. Bitches are only in season twice a year for a few weeks at a time, if someone cannot manage that then of course they should alter them If they are not serious, responsible dedicated breeders it's the best choice too.

But as I said, the fact that the dogs in many of these cases is symptomatic of much more basic issues of poor socialization, training and judgement. Both the San Francisco fatalities involving intact male/female pairs involved owners whose problems, bizarre behavior and management skills for both the dogs and people were lacking in sanity, much less common sense.

The need to get the message of no kids and dogs left alone together, that dogs must be socialized to people and treated as companions, not breathing alarm systems has never been greater.
The need to get pet education and affordable veterinary care, including spay/neuter, to those most at risk and most in need has never been more urgent. Every dog owner has a stake in this. For the sake of our dogs and the lives of those affected by dogs so positively, and the tragic victims of ignorance as well.


i always think oprah tries to do her best in presenting stories from all angles. think back to the puppy mill show and how she admitted she did not realize how big this issue really is. all of us should send a letter with facts about pit bulls. obviously, oprah and gayle could at least start reviewing this information. maybe, with enough outcry and proof that these fears are unfounded, she will have a show about pit bulls.


Good idea Carianne. I'm in.


"The need to get the message of no kids and dogs left alone together, that dogs must be socialized to people and treated as companions, not breathing alarm systems has never been greater.
The need to get pet education and affordable veterinary care, including spay/neuter, to those most at risk and most in need has never been more urgent."

I wish I could have said this as well myself.

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