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January 21, 2009



Thanks, Brent & Jennifer. I hope that this information is passed along, it's so very important.

Jennifer Shryock

Thank you! I am glad you found it helpful.


Excellent article. Nice to see some common sense information about kids, dogs and the role parents/owner have in keeping everyone safe and happy.


Thank you so much for this post. Dog bite prevention and understanding/educating about 'dog signals' is something I'm very passionate about. Thank you for your work Jennifer! I am passing a link to this post via email to family and friends...and asking them to pass along too.


Jennifer Shryock

Thank you,
I am always happy to help promote education. There is a great deal behind the scenes of "dog attacks" that gets unincluded in the news. There are many consistent factor...most importantly that dogs are predictable and an ounce of prevention goes a LONG way. I am glad this has been helpful.

KC KS Kills Dogs

This is great information and I plan to share it with family, friends, and neighbors.


GREAT and timely post! Love this blog and will be adding it to my read list.

I'm also a big fan of teaching school age kids the "Be A Tree, Be A Log" programs!

Thanks again for all the new info!


Brent, I have got to hand it to you and Michelle -- this blog just gets better and better! In light of so many tragedies, what a great idea to conduct and publish this interview! As always, thank you for all your hard work and study! You have made such progress and such a huge difference in a very short time!

And Jennifer, THANK YOU for all your work! I am so thrilled to know you are out there and will be gathering all the info I can from your site and sharing it whenever I can. I am so fearful that we will eventually lose our cherished companionship with dogs, just because we haven't learned in hundreds of years what most dogs are expected to learn in a few days!

Now I feel a new hope! Thank you!

Jennifer Shryock

Thank you. I also want to let you know about a great program you can offer This BE A TREE teacher kit is meant for anyone to present and guides you through the presentation. We NEED more folks out there educating to children and after school programs etc. Also check out and my personal business site which also has a blog more directed about kids nad dogs.
I am ALWAYS willing to discuss prevention and education. It does no good to harp on the past but we can plan and prepare to prevent them in the future.


Such a great program; I'm delighted to learn about it.


I'm familiar with doggonesafe I talk to my daughters classmates once a quarter and have for 4 years. By the time she's in 5th grade, they'll be pretty educated! if we could get one parent from each k-6 class to do it quarterly, what a difference that would make!

Jennifer Shyrock

Agreed! It is great work you are doing. Keep it up. We all can take action steps and help out here! Kids need the consistent repetition and do need the program over and over to have it stick. My daughter has watched me do presentations for years now and has done the BE A TREE pose since the age of 3. It is now automatic....Excited happy a tree. I believe that by suggesting the kids practice with familiar rambunctious dogs...the more they will be confident in how it works if they ever feel unsafe. Being a tree makes you BORING unlike running and acting like a squirrel or bunny. It is the safest thing to recommend.

I do have some preferences when it comes to poses. I strongly support the Doggone safe pose as the safest.

1. stand tall and plant your roots

2. fold branches in and interlock hands at waste height

3. Look down to the ground and imagine your roots growing strong and deeply into the ground

4. Count in your head as high as you can until the dog goes away or help comes

I LOVE #2 of this as I feel strongly that the other poses often can arouse dogs. Poses that have the children move their hands upwards to tuck under their armpit often can trigger an already excited/aroused dog to jump up. This then increases the chances of the child being knocked down and then things can be worse. In the end....I know there are many opinions on the TREE pose, but those are my thoughts. Any tree pose is better then the kids first response...which is to run and scream. But I wanted to share my thoughts.


Maybe this should (or could?) eventually become a required subject in gradeschool? It is as important as all of the other subjects they teach!

Jennifer Shryock

We would love to see it in like fire safety and stranger danger but....there just is not enough time in the day for this. I always encourage folks to approach schools and then after schools and boys and girls clubs. These kids need the program and it is better to be able to spend the time and go over the entire program and then do a return follow up. I am working with our health department to get a program in place is tough. Doggone safe offers tips for inclusion in the curriculum and I am always happy to support those offering to help!

Gina Spadafori

Nice work! We'll link over. :)

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