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« Weekly Roundup, Week ending 1/11/09 | Main | The problem with mandatory laws »

January 12, 2009



Amen, Brent. Amen.




What a sad story.

Ditto about 'breed' Brent - especially when most of these dogs aren't purebred and aren't accurately identified when they are.

It's like talking about what kind of clothes a criminal wore as if it's somehow important to the story. Can you imagine the headlines?

Two deaths already and we aren't even halfway through January yet.


What a sad story.

Ditto about 'breed' Brent - especially when most of these dogs aren't purebred and aren't accurately identified when they are.

It's like talking about what kind of clothes a criminal wore as if it's somehow important to the story. Can you imagine the headlines?

Two deaths already and we aren't even halfway through January yet.

Chicago Dog Mom

One has to admit that some breeds are, indeed, stronger than others. Certainly the jaws of a Rottweiler are much, much stronger than the jaws of a poodle, no?

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