The folks at Banned Aid, in Ontario, are scraping together their loose change. After a long legal battle with the provence over its breed ban, the court ruled in favor of the province. The group is looking to take the case to the Canadian Supreme Court - this is not a cheep endeavor. So they're taking donations, big and small, to be used to pay off some debt over their first court case and to provide funding for the next one. And we're talking a lot of money that they need. Here's why this is important, even if you don't own a dog. From Caveat's blog:
The latest decision from the Ontario Court of Appeal states that if even a tiny
risk exists, it is the responsibility of government to regulate it by whatever
means possible - even if this means exterminating it.
In restoring the law to its original form, the Justices told all Canadians that
despite credible research and evidence proving otherwise, the mythology
surrounding the "pit bull" is taken at face value by our courts.
In other words, uneducated opinions, gossip and hearsay from any source (such as news reports) can be used to prove anything - and worse, such flimsy evidence can influence our rights and freedoms in all aspects of our lives.
"According to the Court of Appeal, so long as the government puts forth some
evidence in support of its legislative decision, regardless of its credibility,
reliability or value, it cannot lose. And it's not just about dogs anymore.
This ruling, if left unchallenged, will become case law and as such can be
applied to anything, from dogs to donkeys."
If every person who subscribes to this blog donates $20, we would be able to add nearly $2000 to their cougher. If every daily reader gives $20, then we coud add around $8000 to their tally. That would help a lot. All the details on how to donate are here.
Meanwhile, closer to home,a Kansas man was recently arrested on 96 counts of animal crueltyafter the dogs were found chained, starved, and barely surviving. The city, and many local rescuers are working hard to keep these animals alive and get them better fed. But in these small towns, this large number of dogs is quite a burden for them. If you can spare any loose change for food and shelter for these dogs, any amount would be appreciated. You can get more information on how to donate by contacting Cindy at cjadogs AT yahoo DOT com.
Thanks for posting about Banned Aid, Brent. We hate asking for money but we're tapped out and can't afford to let this decision go unchallenged.
Much appreciated!
Posted by: Selma | December 04, 2008 at 03:23 PM