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September 11, 2008



Good post. Sounds like the system needs a serious overhaul - it's never a good sign when 90+% of your supervisors and half of your aco's want you removed. Of course, the dogs end up being the ones to suffer.


You're right Brent. Boks was handed the mess way after the radicals had started smoke bombs in 2003. If LA can't pay the vets enough to do low cost altering and if the targeted area (which is South LA) can't be targeted (in 2006 13,000 dogs came in and 9,000 were picked up by AC;50%+ are usually killed) and if the rescues/community is not behind the shelters, how is Boks supposed to make headway? 2006 shows they had 32 fosters. 32??!! You cannot make headway like that. And you're right, no kill is not stockpiling. And I knew they would say MSN didnt work, and now will say No kill doesn't work. The only thing left for them to say is a moratorium on breeding, unless the MSN lawsuit (court hearing 10/2/08)prelim injunction is granted. It sounds contrived but this was planned out by radicals. They know MSN doesn't work. And they knew by ruining the relationship of rescues/shelter/community, there could be no No Kill, plus, they didn't bother to do the Big Fix appropriately. They started too late.

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