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February 14, 2008


Shelly Anne

Hmm...could it be because even if it's not rational and even if it's not warranted,they all believe what the Colorado dog fancier's case said?


In a Scottish study, researchers who actually counted dog bites and evaluated hospital records (how novel) found that there were as many bites by humans as by the most 'dangerous breed' during the period studied.

A recent Spanish study found that not only does BSL not work, it creates more problems than it solves (duh).

The evidence is in. Breed bans are false advertising. They compound the problems rather than address them.

But we knew that.


Alright Caveat, help me out here. Where's this Spanish study?


Winging it's way to KCMO.


Rats, now I'm doing it.

"Winging ITS way..."


I really want to see this study!!


Becky, check Meetup for more info on this.

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